Captain Mitxel
Mercenary / Explorer
Registered ship name
790,019 Cr

Logbook entry

Constellations, Prologue.

16 May 2024Mitxel
The enormous landing gear landed on the clay surface of Montara Luna, supporting the large tonnage of the ship on its strong shock absorbers, while the thrusters expelled their last breath, before being deactivated.

After a while, the front outer ramp lowered, revealing a woman dressed in a space suit without a helmet. She had long blue hair, tied up in a ponytail. Her arm extended from her, was resting on the ramp opening control. She stayed for a long time observing that place, as if something prevented her from continuing her march, until finally, determined, she slowly descended and headed towards the ruined and charred remains of what would once have been a family farm.

Several slanted pieces of canvas from a greenhouse, which managed to survive the fire, were flapping in the wind. The noise they generated was the only thing that broke the silence in that place, revealing between them, the woman slowly approaching those rubble of stones and charred wood.

Upon arriving at what was a large room in her day, she crouched down with her knee on the floor and with her glove, she collected part of the ash, which the wind spread through the air, until leaving several traces of dirt in it.

Later, a row of grimy human bones became visible as she moved the remains away from the ashes.

The Constellation logo later became visible on one of the shoulder pads of the woman's Mark I suit. Her face clearly expressed the great regret that she carried inside her. Next, she heard the sandy sound of footsteps coming from behind her.

-Did you know them?
-My father, my mother and... my brother.
-I'm sorry, no... I didn't know.
-You didn't have to.
-They should be proud that you could survive this and what you have become, Mitxelle.
-My father certainly wouldn't... if he knew that I ended up being part of the United Colonies, he would never forgive me.
-I'm sure it is.
-Believe me, he fought in the colonial war against them, and now... I have become what he hated the most.
-He fought to survive, just like you fought for your survival. He would be proud to see you, to be part of something so big, something that does not apply to groups or individuals, but to humanity itself.

-Thank you, Sarah.

The afternoon was coming to an end, and Cheyenne was approaching the horizon, drawing an atmosphere of warm, orange light between the clouds.

On the outskirts, next to an old tree, the silhouette of three piles of stones stacked together with a cross on each of them, contrasted with the orange background of the star on the horizon. The mechanical arm of an articulated robot stacked one last stone on top of one of the piles.

-Thank you, Vasco.

Vasco turned her metallic body towards Mitxelle, observing her with that large lens that was part of her body.

-Still, I try to understand how a human being could survive, applying the atmospheric conditions of the place, temperature, relative humidity, plus the orography and the wild fauna of the place... the probability of survival was one, among a thousand...
-Vasco... now is not the time. -Mitxelle suggested.
-I'm sorry, excuse me, I was just trying to be... empathetic, although I don't know if that is the right word at the end of, what i feel and, i want to express...
-Vasco... Can you go look at the Frontier's compensator? I think it's been failing lately. -Sarah interrupted.
-Yes of course. With his permission.

Vasco's metallic body turned around and slowly moved away, following the loud noise of his metallic footsteps.

-Thank you, Sarah.
-He tries.
-Yes I know.

A tear fell from one of the blue eyes onto his cheek, as Vasco's footsteps receded.

-You have been very brave coming here, after so long. I can't imagine how hard that must have been for you.
-Hard?. I was only 11 years old, Sarah.
-I know, that's why I say it.
-When I saw you face your past, I realized that I had to take this step too.

Sarah hugged Mitxelle.

-And you know that I greatly appreciate it.
-Yes... I know that too. -Mitxelle said, without taking his eyes off the tombs of her family.
-Now your family rests in peace, next to these magnificent views, celebrating that you are still here, in a present body with them... I am returning to the Frontier, take your time, come back when you think it is necessary.

Mitxelle let her hold Sarah's hand, but without removing her arm from her shoulder.
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