Captain Capt. Shadow Johnson
Hacker / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Slippery Shadow
4,500,000 Cr

Logbook entry

Getting an early start to the day.

Tired and hungry, and only interested in coffee. I often wonder how different this future coffee tastes compared to the coffee from Old Earth. Years and years later, mostly genetically modified traits to ease growth, harvest and yield, who knows how much soul is left inside it. Perhaps this is a philosophical ponderance that'll invade my mind today as a wondering about the analogy to us, to humankind. Are we even human anymore, or have we become the aliens that we desperately search for out here amongst the Starfield.

Should I write a book, about this, about my life, and allegory about the hero's journey in space? Nah, I'm just a space bum who can't remember where I came from. That rhymed, lol. But seriously, I still have no idea about my past, just waking up and suddenly I'm in a cave mining and being pushed along. Touched some metally rock thingy, saw across time and space, and then I was fighting space pirates. What the fuck are space pirates, for some reason space pirates are as foreign a concept to me as being in a spaceship. I know to kill pirates and I know how to fly this beautiful tin can, just like I know how to disappear into the shadows and pick every lock I come across- how I know all this like muscle memory, ya got me. I'm still dealing with this compulsion to explore, scan and build outposts, where did that come from too.

Time to head out to somewhere. Gotta finish my list of fetching low resources.

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Ok, so I am currently in Zeta Ophiuchi, Planet #1. Came here on a hot tip about this being the planet where neurologic is sourced. I was hoping to be able to grow a plant or raise some critter to harvest it at my out post, but nope, only able to be gathered. Comes from a plant called Mountain Silkweed. It grows in these areas: swamp, frozen dunes, deciduous forest and savanna. At least that's what the guidebook says, which is wrong. The best place for foraging it is landing in the mountain recognized next to a forest, that's where you find it, almost right on the border, typically on hilly areas. So, I setup am outpost to come and harvest neurologic every so often. Good money in it alone and making chems just makes the worth go up. It'll be good to get away to every once in a blue moon, stretch my legs, harvest some neurologic, and get some target practice. Being a higher lvl class planet the experience from the fauna is helpful for training.

Came across an Abandoned Farm that was occupied by Va'Ruun. All had decent gear and guns. Only second time I've seen one of these farms in the wild and both times Va'Ruun. Wonder if their trying to take back some tech to help them farm. I know from Andreja they have issues with supplies.

Speaking of Andreja had quite the juicy conversations. In fact we are heading to Akila on a wild goose chase. Not going to get into the details out of respect for Andreja, but have to go find some people. I think she's warming up to me. I didn't think I could ever have feelings for someone after Sarah died, but now I'm not so sure. I really enjoy her presence.

*update - found a large contraband container under a platform at the Abandoned Farm. Updated my contraband location list.

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As I finish up entering my surveying results, now finished 100% scanning Zeta Ophiuchi (1), I'm watching Andreja tossing grenades at whalesharks. Entertaining to say the least.

Planet update:
So I have found that Neurologic prefers growing in the borders of biomes. Just a head's up, in case anyone is reading these public logs.
Also, I found that there is a lifeform here, "Pack Caterpillar", that is a viable source for sedatives. So, if you're looking for chem ingredients that is here. I will add a note that you can't do animal husbandry and raise them, and you'll have to be careful. The little buggers are fearless, heal super-fast, and are toxic as hell. Supposedly you can harvest from them without killing them but getting that close I feel requires extermination just to be safe. Found them in the savanna area close to the coast.

Another note is that the water appears to be safe enough to enter.

I really do enjoy this planet. It would make for a nice vacation outpost for anyone looking for that kind of location.

Time to explore some more peopled locations, then back to the outpost to finish tweaking any production and maybe spend some time harvesting Neurologic.

I still need to get back to Akila for that errand that Andreja wanted to run. Then maybe eventually make it to Dennis and offload some junk to friendo if he needs it. Really helps to keep a backlog of items in case I have to go fetch something. Ther's never enough of the item he seems to need. I've been keeping track of what items he sends me for, just in case it's not everything, then I'll know what to hold on to.

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