Patty Melt
Food and drinksA hamburger patty smothered in cheese and grilled on toast. usually served with a side of chipped potatoes.
The most straightforward method to obtain Patty Melt is to buy it from vendors such as Anja Seattle in Sol or Ethan Nash in Cheyenne.
Restores 15 Health
Where to get Patty Melt
- Vendor ︎ Cheyenne ︎ Aggie 4x
- Vendor ︎ Sol ︎ Anja Seattle 6x
- Vendor ︎ Cheyenne ︎ August Bowen 8x
- Vendor ︎ Kryx ︎ Bog 4x
- Vendor ︎ Wolf ︎ Conrad 4x
- Vendor ︎ Cheyenne ︎ Ethan Nash 4x
- Vendor ︎ Volii ︎ Kosmos Bakas 15x
- Vendor ︎ Volii ︎ Lee Leonard 15x
- Vendor ︎ Alpha Centauri ︎ Lizzy Ajello 4x
- Vendor ︎ Volii ︎ Madame Sauvage 3x
- Vendor ︎ Wolf ︎ Orval Romack 4x
- Vendor ︎ Alpha Centauri ︎ Theresa Mason 6x
Please note that the vendor's stock is partially random, so item availability or amounts are not guaranteed. You may try your luck another (in-game) day after the vendor's reset. Also, some items, ships and ship modules are restricted based on the player's level.
Similar items
- Alien Jerky
- Alien Kebabs
- Alien Pie
- Alien Sandwich
- Alien Scramble
- Alien Stew
- Alien Stir Fry
- Astral Sliders
- Baguette
- Barbacoa Wrap
- Bart's Chili
- Beans
- Beer Brat Platter
- Bitten Sandwich
- Bread
- Butter
- CAN-uck! Bacon
- CAN-uck! Edmontonian
- CAN-uck! Haligonian
- CAN-uck! Ham Boys
- CAN-uck! Pancakes Plus
- CAN-uck! Poutine
- CAN-uck! Shepherd's Pie
- CAN-uck! Tourtiere
- Carrot
- Celery
- Chapaguri
- Cheddar Snack Crackers
- Cheese
- Chicken Marsala
- Chicken Tikka
- Chocolate Labs
- Chunks Apple
- Chunks Apple - Packaged
- Chunks Beef
- Chunks Beef - Packaged
- Chunks Cake
- Chunks Cake - Packaged
- Chunks Cheesesteak
- Chunks Cheesesteak - Packaged
- Chunks Chick - Packaged
- Chunks Chicken
- Chunks Choco
- Chunks Choco - Packaged
- Chunks Egg
- Chunks Egg - Packaged
- Chunks Groat
- Chunks Groat - Packaged
- Chunks Pie
- Chunks Pie - Packaged
- Chunks Potato
- Chunks Potato - Packaged
- Coffee Bag
- Container of Cereal
- Crawler Bisque
- Creature Jam
- Crispy Alien Nuggets
- Dairy
- Dal Makhani
- Dawn's Roost Strip
- Doro Wat
- Egg
- Fried Pickles
- FullFood Spiced Worms
- Galaxy Lo Mein
- Gazpacho
- Grandpa's Meatloaf
- Granola Mix
- Grapes
- Grilled Cheese Sandwich
- Groat Meat
- Groat Pie
- Ham and Cheese Sandwich
- Instant Oatmeal
- Jemison Wellington
- Kiffles
- Latkes
- Lemon
- Lettuce
- Lime
- Liquor
- Liver Pate
- Lounge Special
- Marshmallow Treat Cereal
- Meal Kit
- Meal Pack - Cereal
- Meal Pack - Chicken
- Meal Pack - Eggs
- Meal Pack - Ramen
- Meal Pack - Shrimp
- Meal Pack - Sushi
- Meal Pack - Tofu
- Meal Tray
- Meatloaf
- Melon Caviar
- Midnight Delight
- Midnight Special
- Miso Soup
- Miso Soup Minislurp
- Miso Soup Multipack
- Mochi
- Mochi Minibite
- Mochi Multipack
- Nebula Wat
- Noodles
- Oat Clusters
- Onion
- Opened Superfood Paste Kit
- Orange
- Panache
- Pappardelle Bolognese
- Patty Melt
- Peach
- Pear
- Pepper Steak Sandwich
- Pierogis
- Pit Chops
- Pizza Square
- Plum
- Potato
- Poultry
- Raisin Bran Cereal
- Ramen
- Ramen Minibite
- Ramen Multipack
- Red Harvest Lentils
- Red Harvest Naan
- Red Harvest Rice
- Red Harvest Rye
- Red Harvest Spaghetti
- Red Harvest Wheat
- Red Harvest White
- Red Meat
- Reuben
- Sandwich
- Seaweed
- Seaweed and Egg Porridge
- Seaweed Minibite
- Seaweed Snacks
- Seaweed Snacks Multipack
- Shepherd's Pie
- Ships O' the Line Cereal
- Smoked Salmon Fillet
- Snack Pack - Apple Bites
- Snack Pack - Choco Bites
- Snack Pack - Gummi Bugs
- Snack Pack - Protein Bar
- Soba
- Soba Minibite
- Soba Multipack
- Spaghetti Carbonara
- Star Cluster Marsala
- Stellar Kebabs
- Superfood Paste Kit
- Superfood Paste Set
- Sushi Rolls
- Sushi Rolls Minibite
- Sushi Rolls Multipack
- Sweet Rolls
- Synthameat Chicken
- Synthameat Ham
- Synthameat Hamburger
- Synthameat Multi
- Synthameat Steak
- Synthameat Turkey
- Synthameat Veal
- Ta'ameya Pita
- The Deep
- The Rack
- The Strip
- Toast
- Tomato
- Trawl
- Trilo Bites
- UC BattleMeal
- UC BattleMeal Multipack
- Udon
- Udon Minibite
- Udon Multipack
- Veggie Grinder
- Watermelon
- Xenofresh Paella
- Xenofresh Ramen
- Xenowurst
- Xenoyaki
- Yogurt