- Vendor ︎ Denis Averin UC Exchange
- Vendor ︎ Jack Broken Spear
- Vendor ︎ Lou Saavedra Sixth Circle
- Vendor ︎ Manaaki Almonte The Trade Authority (Cydonia)
- Crew member ︎ Andromeda Kepler Broken Spear
- Crew member ︎ Moara Otero Broken Spear
- NPC ︎ Adler Kemp Broken Spear
- NPC ︎ Booth UC Security
- NPC ︎ Cambridge Cooper Sixth Circle
- NPC ︎ CDR Vincent Woodard UC Security
- NPC ︎ Demelza Myers UC Office of the Governor-General
- NPC ︎ Dr. Charlie Flynn Reliant Medical (Cydonia)
- NPC ︎ Dr. Ifeanyi Adigwe Enhance! (Cydonia)
- NPC ︎ Governor Glen Hurst UC Office of the Governor-General
- NPC ︎ Oktai Enbayar The Trade Authority (Cydonia)
- NPC ︎ Saoirse Bowden The Trade Authority (Cydonia)
- NPC ︎ Trackers Alliance Agent