Logbook entry

Goodbye Argos and Hello Constellation

09 May 2024User446272
Today has been a lot more than I was expecting it to be, although to be fair you can't really expect what went down. Frankly I think this is the beginning of a whole lot of unexpected, so I'm gonna start keeping a journal. I don't know how detailed I'll be, I've never been that good at recounting my experiences.  Anyways, it all started when Lin sent me to retrieve something Constellation calls an Artifact. Apparently they commissioned the dig we were on. I don't even know how to describe what I experienced when I grabbed it. It had be a short audial and visual hallucination of some sort but I can't even guess as to reason why it happen. Next I come to, I'm lying in the mining facility with Lin and Heller waiting for me to wake up. I passed out and woke up just before someone from Constellation arrived to pick up the Artifact. After checking to make sure I was fine we went out to meet the person who arrived. His name was Barrett and frankly, from that short interaction he baffles me. I'll come back to that thought.

We were attacked by a Crimson Fleet ship and held our own. I handled better than I thought I would. I've never faired well under pressure but I guess slowly I'm starting to handle it better. In fact Barrett complimented me on how I handled the situation. Then, for some wild reason, insisted I take his ship- which he clarified technically wasn't his- and return with the Artifact to Constellation headquarters in New Atlantis. And well that's what I did, after a little bit of protesting from Lin and I. Barrett insisted that the experience I had from touching the Artifact meant I was apart of this now, whatever that really means. Anyways I need to hurry up, I don't want to take up the rest of my free time writing this.

Vasco, Barrett's robot, insisted before heading to New Atlantis we needed to deal with a Crimson Fleet outpost and inside I died a little. I really hate fighting and killing and it looks like I'm going to be doing more. The adrenaline rush is not fun. I made it through the outpost and convinced them to leave the ship alone. I thought that was bad but then I ran into a damn Terrormorph on Kreet when exploring some. Just my luck, right? Well, I made it to New Atlantis and the Lodge, Constellation's headquarters, without any more issues. And long story short, after meeting the members, Sarah, the Leader, invited me to join Constellation. I took her up on her offer and now, I'm resting in my new room in the Lodge before heading out with Sarah on a mission. It's been a long day.
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