
Quest stages

Sarah has asked me to go to the Eye, a star station that Constellation owns in orbit of Jemison. I need to meet with Vladimir Sall about finding more Artifacts in the fringes of space.
Objective: Talk to Vladimir
Vladimir has given me locations he believes could hold Artifacts. He's also asked me to be on the lookout for Andreja, another Constellation member, who was following up on the same leads and hasn't reported back.
Objective: Find the Artifact on planet
I've found the Artifacts. Time to add them to the collection back at the Lodge.
Objective: Talk to Vladimir
Vladimir picked up some data on the Artifacts I just brought back. I should talk to him.
There's a large anomaly on a distant planet that matches the signature of one of the Artifacts. I need to find it.
My scanner is picking up some distortions. I should keep my scanner up and follow the distortions to the source.
The anomaly ended up being some kind of temple. I need to return to the Lodge and let everyone know what's happened.
Vladimir says he can help track down more of the temples in the future for any Artifacts we find.