
Last Will and Testament

Side quest

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Quest stages

A guard mentioned that Mayor Cartwright might have work, if I'm interested.
Objective: See Mayor Cartwright about a job
Akila City's mayor has some sort of problem with Frank Langston. I should find out what's going on.
Elias Cartwright is really upset that Frank Langston is living in the historic Core district. He's offered me a job.
Objective: Ask Elias Cartwright about Frank Langston
Elias Cartwright has hired me to go to old Sahar's Farm located elsewhere on Akila. Sahar died over 40 years ago when Ashta attacked the farm, and there most certainly will be Ashta there now.
I found Sahar Hasanov's Last Will and Testament and it revealed there was one Hasanov left: Blake Aldwell. I was hired to deliver this to Elias Cartwright, but Frank Langston may be interested in this Will, as well.
Objective: Get Sahar Hasanov's Will from Sahar's Farm on Akila
Frank Langston paid me a fortune to hand over Sahar Hasanov's Will. Now I just need to lie to Elias Cartwright about not having found it and this whole business is over.
Objective: (Optional) Talk to Frank Langston about Sahar Hasanov's Will
I gave Sahar Hasanov's Last Will and Testament to Elias Cartwright. He was overjoyed. I can't tell if he's more happy at doing right by the Hasanov's or sticking it to Frank Langston.
Objective: Talk to Elias Cartwright
I told Elias Cartwright I didn't find Sahar Hasanov's will. I get the feeling he'll try to find other ways of getting Frank Langston out of the Core, but I'm not sure how much luck he'll have.