
Accidents Happen

Faction quest

Related characters

Tip: You can track your quest progress here on Inara while signed in.

Quest stages

I should talk to Imogene to find out what my next assignment is.
Objective: Talk to Imogene
I need to travel to location on planet in the star system to plant an ARC device.
Objective: Travel to location
I need to travel to location orbiting planet in the star System to plant an ARC device.
I need to plant the ARC device I was given in location. I should be careful and not get caught.
Objective: Plant the ARC Device
I successfully planted the ARC device. I need to return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower to let her know.
Objective: Return to Imogene at Ryujin Tower
I successfully planted an ARC device for Ryujin Industries at location.