
Bounty On Planet

A radiant mission that can appear in random places and with random targets.

Tip: You can track your quest progress here on Inara while signed in.

Quest stages

A quest giver on planet has asked me to help him/her track down and eliminate a target with a bounty on their head. The quest giver handed me the coordinates to the location where we will stage an assault on their hideout.
Objective: Rendezvous with the quest giver near the target location
I've begun an assault on the target location alongside the quest giver in order to claim the bounty on the target.
Objective: Kill the target in the target location
The quest giver is dead.
The target has been killed. I should speak to the quest giver about my share of the bounty.
Objective: Talk to the quest giver
With the target eliminated, the quest giver rewarded me with my share of the bounty.