
Red Tape Reclamation

Side quest
Tip: You can track your quest progress here on Inara while signed in.

Quest stages

I've approved Trevor's request for new mining equipment. I should go speak with him about it and let him know.
Objective: Speak with Trevor
Trevor is worried that Hank hasn't returned with the equipment yet, so he wants me to check with ship services to see if they noticed anything unusual.
Objective: Speak with Ship Services
I know Hank is probably at the Broken Spear, but I should speak with Trevor just in case, to verify or see if he tells me to do anything different.
Objective: Speak with Trevor
Hank has not returned, and now Trevor seems suspicious of what Hank could be up to. He wants me to investigate, and suggested that I start by seeing if Hank is at the Broken Spear.
Objective: Find Hank Ferraro
Hank is at the Broken Spear. I need to interrogate him about his shady behavior.
Objective: Speak with Hank
Hank admitted to stealing the new equipment because he wanted to sabotage the entire mining operation. But, it sounds like he's going to give it up willingly. I should follow him to where he's stashed it.
Objective: Follow Hank
Hank turned on me. I need to deal with him and get the equipment back.
Objective: Try to talk Hank down
There's no reasoning with Hank. I have to kill him.
Objective: Defeat Hank
Hank has agreed to turn himself in. I'll escort him to Security to make sure he follows through.
Objective: Turn Hank in to Security
I need to return to Trevor and let him know what happened with Hank and the equipment.
Objective: Return to Trevor
I managed to deal with Hank and get the stolen equipment back for the Cydonia miners. Now they'll be able to do their jobs more easily thanks to my efforts.