Lost and Found (Dazra)
Side questThis game content requires Shattered Space expansion
Tip: You can track your quest progress here on Inara while signed in.
Quest stages
Objective: Check in with Vassilis
With the city in turmoil, I've been asked to check in on one of its citizens, Reigen Ueda, and aid him in any way I can.
Objective: Meet with Reigen Ueda
Objective: Meet with Reigen Ueda
Objective: (Optional) Help Reigen clean up
Objective: Search for clues regarding Reigen's missing item
Objective: Find Reigen's key under the duck
Objective: Examine Reigen's closet
Objective: Speak to Reigen
Objective: Play the music box
Objective: Speak to Reigen
With the city in turmoil, I was asked to check in on one of its citizens, Reigen Ueda. I helped him and reported back to the Halls of Healing.
Objective: Return to Vassilis
Objective: Return to Vassilis