
Spreading the News

Side quest
Tip: You can track your quest progress here on Inara while signed in.

Quest stages

Tommy Bitlow has asked me to deliver three data slates of his journalism to people around New Atlantis. He hopes that if more people read and enjoy his content, SSNN will start to take him more seriously.
George Saint-George read over Tommy's work and didn't enjoy it. His criticism was harsh to say the least.
Objective: Deliver slate to George Saint-George
Royce certainly wasn't pleased with what Tommy wrote about Dawn's Roost.
Objective: Deliver slate to Royce Elgin
It seems like Catherine was offended by Tommy's article on the Sanctum Universum.
Objective: Deliver slate to Catherine Alvarez
Maybe one day Tommy will hit the big time. But judging by some of the reactions to his writing I saw, that won't be anytime soon.
Objective: Return to Tommy