Item modification
Medium Scope
OpticsMedium scope for 4x magnified view.
This mod requires the Optics and Laser mods 2 research.
Medium Scope crafting cost
Medium Scope is available for
- AA-99
- Amped-Up Orion
- Anesthesia
- Avatar
- Beowulf
- Desperation
- Despondent Assassin
- Drum Beat
- Equinox
- Fiscal Quarter
- Hard Target
- Hot-Headed
- Hunterwulf
- Long Distance Relationship
- Maelstrom
- MagSniper
- Marksman's A-99
- Old Earth Hunting Rifle
- Orion
- Peacekeeper
- Pirate Legend
- Power Beat
- Speaker's Judgment
- Speechless Fire
- The Fang's Rifle
- The First Shot
- The Last Breath
- Unmitigated Violence
- Unrestrained Vengeance
- Va'ruun Longfang
- Va'ruun Starlash