


"Specifically targeting the pressure points and nerves of various limbs can disable an opponent, limiting their combat effectiveness."

Crippling is a tier 4 Combat skill.

1Human enemies have a 30% increased chance to enter a downed state after taking enough damage.
2Humanoid enemies have a 50% increased chance to not naturally recover from a downed state.Put 20 enemies into the bleedout state.
3Human enemies now can enter a downed state earlier.Put 50 enemies into the bleedout state.
4Previous ranks now apply to all enemy types. You now do 100% more damage to downed enemies.Put 100 enemies into the bleedout state.

Related Combat skills

Tier 1: Ballistics  •  Dueling  •  Lasers  •  Pistol Certification  •  Shotgun Certification

Tier 2: Demolitions  •  Heavy Weapons Certification  •  Incapacitation  •  Particle Beams  •  Rifle Certification

Tier 3: Marksmanship  •  Rapid Reloading  •  Sniper Certification  •  Targeting

Tier 4: Armor Penetration  •  Crippling  •  Sharpshooting