Character skills

The skills in Starfield are divided into five categories: Physical, Social, Combat, Science, and Tech. Each category has four tiers, namely Novice, Advanced, Expert, and Master, which can be accessed by investing skill points in the corresponding skill tree. Skill points are acquired through leveling up.

Initially, all skills start at rank 1 and can be progressed to rank 4 by successfully completing related challenges. Each higher skill tier requires 4 points spent on lower tier skills of the same category. So for example, to unlock tier 2 skills you need to spend 4 skill points in the category, for tier 3 skills 8 points, and so on.

Please note that companion skills function differently than your skills, typically providing passive bonuses rather than active ones. You can see more details on the respective skill page or companion skills page.


SkillTierBrief description
Boxing1Improved unarmed attacks.
Fitness1Increased oxygen capacity.
Stealth1Improved stealth and sneak attack damage.
Weight Lifting1Increased carrying capacity.
Wellness1Increased maximum health.
Energy Weapon Dissipation2Reduced incoming energy damage.
Environmental Conditioning2Increased resistances.
Gymnastics2Improved movement.
Nutrition2Improved food and drink effectiveness.
Pain Tolerance2Reduced physical damage.
Cellular Regeneration3Recover from injuries.
Decontamination3Increased chance to recover from infections.
Martial Arts3Improved melee and unarmed attacks.
Concealment4Improved stealth and sneak attack damage.
Neurostrikes4Added stun to unarmed attacks.
Rejuvenation4Health regeneration.


SkillTierBrief description
Commerce1Buy for less and sell for more.
Gastronomy1Crafting and research of food and drinks.
Persuasion1Increased chance of success when persuading someone.
Scavenging1Improved loot of credits, ammo and aid items.
Theft1Improved pickpocketing.
Deception2Improved piracy and smuggling.
Diplomacy2Force a target NPC to stop fighting for a while.
Intimidaton2Force a target NPC to flee.
Isolation2Increased weapon damage and resistance without companions.
Negotiation2Improved bribery.
Instigation3Force a target NPC to attack their allies.
Leadership3Bonuses for companions.
Outpost Management3Bonuses for outposts.
Manipulation4Force a target NPC to obey commands for a limited time.
Ship Command4More active crew members.
Xenosociology4Force a target alien creature to flee, attack their allies or obey commands.


SkillTierBrief description
Ballistics1Increased damage with ballistic weapons.
Dueling1Increased melee damage and get bonuses with melee weapons.
Lasers1Increased damage with laser weapons.
Pistol Certification1Increased damage with pistols.
Shotgun Certification1Increased damage with shotguns.
Demolitions2Increased explosive damage and radius.
Heavy Weapons Certification2Increased damage with heavy weapons.
Incapacitation2Increased damage with EM weapons.
Particle Beams2Increased damage with particle beam weapons.
Rifle Certification2Increased damage with rifles.
Marksmanship3Increased critical hits with non-automatic ranged weapons.
Rapid Reloading3Faster weapons reloading.
Sniper Certification3Improved aiming and damage for scoped weapons.
Targeting3Increased accuracy and range without aiming.
Armor Penetration4Attacks ignore a target's armor.
Crippling4Enemies have an increased chance to enter a downed state.
Sharpshooting4Increased critical damage with ranged weapons.


SkillTierBrief description
Astrodynamics1Improved jump drives.
Geology1Improved inorganic resources harvesting.
Medicine1Improved healing.
Research Methods1Improved crafting and research.
Surveying1Improved hand scanner.
Botany2Improved organic resources harvesting.
Scanning2Detect inorganic resources on planets and get information on ships.
Spacesuit Design2Improved spacesuit/mods crafting and research.
Weapon Engineering2Improved weapons/mods crafting and research.
Zoology2Improved organic resources harvesting from creatures and additional information about them.
Astrophysics3Improved planets and moons scanning.
Chemistry3Improved chems crafting and research.
Outpost Engineering3Improved outpost modules building and research.
Aneutronic Fusion4Ship reactors produce extra power.
Planetary Habitation4Allows to build outposts on planets with extreme conditions and increases outposts limit.
Special Projects4Research experimental projects and craft manufactured components.


SkillTierBrief description
Ballistic Weapon Systems1Increased damage of ballistic ship weapons.
Boost Pack Training1Improved boost pack.
Piloting1Improved ship piloting.
Security1Improved locks hacking.
Targeting Control Systems1Improved ship targeting mode.
Energy Weapon Systems2Increased damage of energy ship weapons.
Engine Systems2Increased ship speed and boost.
Payloads2Increased ship cargo hold capacity.
Shield Systems2Increased ship shield capacity.
Missile Weapon Systems3Increased damage and targeting of ship missile weapons.
Particle Beam Weapon Systems3Increased damage of ship particle beam weapons.
Robotics3Increased damage to robots and turrets.
Starship Design3Allows the installation of better ship modules.
Starship Engineering3Improved ship repair and damage mitigation.
Automated Weapon Systems4Increased damage of automated ship weapons.
Boost Assault Training4Bonuses for combat with boost pack.
EM Weapon Systems4Increased damage of EM ship weapons.