Star system
Alpha Ternion
Catalogue ID
Wo 9540C
Spectral class
G8 ︎
5,320 K
0.84 SM
The Alpha Ternion star system consists of nine planets and eight moons. It offers an array of celestial bodies for exploration and study. Ternion V-a is a body with most of the inorganic resources in the star system. Ternion V-a is a place for finding exotic resources, like Caelumite, too. Life of an organic nature can be observed on Ternion III. Ternion II is known for its extreme temperatures.
View Alpha Ternion on the map
Planets and moons of Alpha Ternion
- Planet typeBarrenGravity0.82 gTemperatureInfernoAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterNoneDay length42 daysPlanetary habitation
BiomesCraters 100%
TraitsCharred Ecosystem - Planet typeRockGravity1.51 gTemperatureInfernoAtmosphereExtr CO₂MagnetospherePowerfulWaterNoneDay length12 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesOcean 75%Sandy Desert 25%
TraitsCoralline Landmass - Planet typeRockGravity1.44 gTemperatureTemperateAtmosphereHigh O₂MagnetospherePowerfulWaterSafeDay length10 hoursPlanetary habitation-
BiomesOcean 36%Frozen Plains 24%Coniferous Forest 10%Mountains 10%Savanna 10%Deciduous Forest 5%Volcanic 5%
TraitsEcological ConsortiumFauna9Flora9
ResourcesFiberMetabolic AgentNutrientSealantStructural MaterialToxinAntimicrobialOrnamental MaterialPigmentSpiceAromaticPolymer
domesticable- Cliffberry (Polymer)
- Explorer's Coleus (Structural Material)
- Forest Wisp (Pigment)
- Golden Creeper (Fiber)
- Spitting Goatweed (Metabolic Agent)
- Blistercrab (Sealant)
- Eyespine (Nutrient)
- Leafbug (Polymer)
- Scepter (Spice)
gatherable- Duster Shrub (Nutrient)
- Fallen Star Palm (Toxin)
- Mountain Silkweed (Structural Material)
- Spitting Pokeweed (Polymer)
- Bladeback (Aromatic)
- Carasnail (Ornamental Material)
- Crab (Metabolic Agent)
- Grabber (Nutrient)
- Seabat (Antimicrobial)
- Planet typeRockGravity1.51 gTemperatureFrozenAtmosphereExtr MMagnetospherePowerfulWaterChemicalDay length8 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesSandy Desert 30%Hills 30%Frozen Plains 20%Mountains 20%
TraitsContinual ConductorCrystalline CrustExtinction EventSlushy Subsurface SeasSonorous Lithosphere - Planet typeRockGravity0.54 gTemperatureFrozenAtmosphereThin N₂MagnetosphereVery weakWaterSafeDay length37 hoursPlanetary habitation-
BiomesMountains 30%Rocky Desert 25%Plateau 20%Frozen Hills 15%Hills 10%
TraitsCrystalline CrustEmerging TectonicsExtinction Event - Planet typeIceGravity0.29 gTemperatureDeep freezeAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterChemicalDay length38 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesFrozen Volcanic 100%
TraitsSlushy Subsurface Seas - Planet typeIceGravity0.10 gTemperatureDeep freezeAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterChemicalDay length12 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesFrozen Plains 100% - Planet typeIceGravity0.21 gTemperatureDeep freezeAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterChemicalDay length87 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesFrozen Hills 100% - Planet typeIceGravity0.28 gTemperatureDeep freezeAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterChemicalDay length6 daysPlanetary habitation
BiomesFrozen Mountains 100% - Planet typeIceGravity0.27 gTemperatureDeep freezeAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterSafeDay length13 daysPlanetary habitation
BiomesFrozen Dunes 100%