Star system
Catalogue ID
Spectral class
F2 ︎
7,170 K
1.54 SM
The Leonis star system comprises nine planets and eight moons. It offers an array of celestial bodies for exploration and study. Leonis VIII-a is home to organic lifeforms. Due to extreme temperatures, Leonis II-a can be a hazardous space.
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Planets and moons of Leonis
- Planet typeRockGravity0.89 gTemperatureInfernoAtmosphereStd CO₂MagnetosphereWeakWaterNoneDay length41 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesSandy Desert 50%Craters 20%Rocky Desert 15%Mountains 15%
TraitsCharred EcosystemGravitational Anomaly (possible)Solar Storm Seasons - Planet typeBarrenGravity0.08 gTemperatureInfernoAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterNoneDay length77 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesCraters 100% - Planet typeBarrenGravity0.08 gTemperatureInfernoAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterNoneDay length27 daysPlanetary habitation
BiomesCraters 100% - Planet typeRockGravity0.80 gTemperatureTemperateAtmosphereHigh O₂MagnetosphereAverageWaterSafeDay length15 hoursPlanetary habitation-
BiomesOcean 95%Volcanic 5%
TraitsAmphibious FootholdSentient Microbial ColoniesFauna7Flora5
ResourcesFiberMetabolic AgentNutrientSealantToxinAntimicrobialOrnamental MaterialPigmentAromaticHallucinogenLubricant
domesticable- Aries Vine (Ornamental Material)
- Dappled Ash Bloom (Toxin)
- Passenger Vine (Aromatic)
gatherable- Creeping Twin Shrub (Nutrient)
- Duster Shrub (Fiber)
- Arapaima (Lubricant)
- Flamethorn (Antimicrobial)
- Milliwhale (Metabolic Agent)
- Narwhal (Pigment)
- Paddlefish (Hallucinogen)
- Scarab (Sealant)
- Snuffler (Antimicrobial)
- Planet typeRockGravity0.52 gTemperatureTemperateAtmosphereThin O₂MagnetosphereWeakWaterBiologicalDay length31 hoursPlanetary habitation-
BiomesOcean 71%Frozen Plains 14%Savanna 5%Hills 5%Mountains 5%
TraitsAeriform LifeAmphibious FootholdFauna4Flora3
domesticable- Spiral Bloom (Pigment)
- Star Bloom Root (Nutrient)
gatherable- Starpod Silkweed (Fiber)
- Crocalypse (Structural Material)
- Lockjaw (Metabolic Agent)
- Sailgator (Toxin)
- Trilobite (Antimicrobial)
- Planet typeRockGravity0.61 gTemperatureTemperateAtmosphereStd MMagnetospherePowerfulWaterBiologicalDay length9 hoursPlanetary habitation-
BiomesOcean 58%Frozen Dunes 17%Hills 5%Mountains 5%Sandy Desert 5%Savanna 5%Wetlands 5%
TraitsGlobal Glacial RecessionSentient Microbial ColoniesFauna4Flora5
domesticable- Moon Root (Nutrient)
- Sage Shrub (Ornamental Material)
- Spiral Bloom (Structural Material)
- Spitting Goatweed (Sealant)
gatherable- Red Latticebulb (Fiber)
- Crocodaunt (Hypercatalyst)
- Horsamander (Ornamental Material)
- Snail (Metabolic Agent)
- Stoneback (Aromatic)
- Planet typeRockGravity0.51 gTemperatureFrozenAtmosphereThin MMagnetosphereNoneWaterRadioactiveDay length13 hoursPlanetary habitation-
BiomesRocky Desert 30%Frozen Hills 30%Plateau 15%Volcanic 15%Sandy Desert 10%
TraitsEmerging TectonicsSolar Storm Seasons - Planet typeIceGravity0.15 gTemperatureDeep freezeAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterChemicalDay length5 daysPlanetary habitation
BiomesFrozen Craters 100% - Planet typeRockGravity0.70 gTemperatureColdAtmosphereStd O₂MagnetosphereNoneWaterBiologicalDay length13 daysPlanetary habitation-
BiomesOcean 55%Frozen Plains 25%Mountains 20%
TraitsAeriform Life - Planet typeIceGravity0.14 gTemperatureDeep freezeAtmosphereNoneMagnetosphereNoneWaterSafeDay length14 hoursPlanetary habitation
BiomesFrozen Plains 100%