Star systems and planets

PlanetStar systemDayHab rankResourcesLevel
Agamon ACheyenne11 hours11
Agamon BCheyenne17 hours11
Agamon CCheyenne51 hours11
Agamon DCheyenne72 hours11
AkilaCheyenne28 hours1
ArielSol61 hours11
BelwahCheyenne45 hours11
BismarkCheyenne19 hours11
CharonSol7 days11
ChawlaAlpha Centauri16 days1
CodosCheyenne6 hours1
CraggCheyenne6 days11
CruthNarion72 hours11
DalvikNarion22 days11
DioneSol66 hours11
EarthSol24 hours1
EnceladusSol33 hours11
EuropaSol85 hours1
FrostBarnard's Star31 hours21
GagarinAlpha Centauri13 hours1
GanymedeSol7 days1
HardpointCheyenne10 days11
HawleyAlpha Centauri5 days1
HeiloCheyenne5 days11
IapetusSol79 days11
JemisonAlpha Centauri50 hours1
KaliraCheyenne72 hours11
KreetNarion24 hours1
LaramieCheyenne72 hours11
LovellAlpha Centauri17 hours1
Maheo IMaheo52 hours1
Maheo IIMaheo33 hours1
Maheo IV-aMaheo78 hours11
Maheo IV-bMaheo94 hours11
Maheo IV-cMaheo6 days1
Maheo IV-dMaheo72 hours11
Maheo V-aMaheo77 hours11
Maheo VIIMaheo21 hours11
Maheo VII-aMaheo14 days11
MarsSol25 hours1
MimasSol23 hours11
MirandaSol34 hours11
Montara LunaCheyenne72 hours1
NiiraNarion48 hours31
OberonSol13 days11
OlaranCheyenne72 hours11
PlutoSol6 days11
RheaSol5 days11
SkinkCheyenne60 days11
Stellis ACheyenne47 hours11
Stellis BCheyenne67 hours11
Stellis CCheyenne4 days11
Stellis DCheyenne4 days11
SumatiNarion37 hours1
TahrnisCheyenne43 hours11
TethysSol45 hours11
ThrenCheyenne9 days11
TitanSol16 days11
TitaniaSol9 days11
TritonSol6 days11
UmbrielSol4 days11
VecteraNarion66 hours11
VenusSol243 days31
VossAlpha Centauri90 hours1
WashakieCheyenne41 hours1
WellishCheyenne70 hours11
ZamkaAlpha Centauri50 hours1
Luyten's RockLuyten's Star19 hours5
PolvoValo36 hours5
PontemWolf12 days15
ShorunValo5 days15
Sirius IISirius37 hours5
Sirius II-aSirius11 days5
Sirius III-aSirius55 hours5
Sirius III-bSirius94 hours5
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