Logbook entry

EOFCC G1 2v2: An Even Playing Field

When CMDR Ryox sent out the call for another round of spacesuit combat sports goodness, I knew I'd be making it despite the Bubble collectively holding its breath for the arrival of the Stargoids. What better way to prepare for war than a combat tournament? We met in the Flousop system at Salk Hub, a system at war between an Alliance and Federal faction. Turnout was much higher than the previous event in May, it seemed.

I knew this time around it would be a 2v2 match, but in my vice of Helix had forgotten it was a G1 basic gear only match. I quickly snatched up a stock Dominator suit, dual stock TK Eclipses, a Karma C44, and a Karma P15 from the Pioneer Supplies broker there in the tournament organizing station. A rocket launcher would have been nice, but I knew more rounds downrange with high fire rates would work better with unengineered weapons. The hefty L6 just takes too long to reload if it isn't doing so while stowed, so I was satisfied with going all lightweight weapons that were easier to handle.

I was paired with CMDR Lockjammer, an incredibly experienced mercenary who defended Azimuth against Operation Wych Hunt. Being a veteran of countless wars and battles in various star systems, he was a force of nature to fight alongside. This pairing worked out very well, with me being able to lay down constant harassing fire and Lockjammer coming in with the heavy-hitting explosive and plasma weapons.

Our opponents were CMDRs DutchGamerRoy and HaLfY47. They both rocked classic kinetic/laser combinations, though I do recall getting hit by a plasma bolt at one point. At first I went with dual Eclipses and a P15, but this proved slow in chewing through their suits' armor by overemphasizing lasers of kinetics. Nonetheless, Lockjammer and I slogged through the first round and finished victoriously at an incredibly close score.

For the second round, I went with a TK Eclipse, Karma C44, and Karma P15. This proved much more effective in putting constant harassment on their armor, the C44 in particular was great due to its high fire rate. Lockjammer and I had developed a good tempo too, being able to stick together more and swap out with each other if one was being pursued and injured by our enemy. The second round was more decisive, but definitely not for lack of skill and ferocity on our opponents' part! CMDR Lockjammer and I had won the second round, winning the match 2-0.

We congratulated each other on a battle well-fought back at Salk Hub and enjoyed a sense of fun and sportsmanship, despite the galaxy threatening to burn around us. What more can you ask for?
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