Logbook entry

Arch-Corsair Urges Xeno Readiness

A statement from CMDR Streya Jormagdnir, Vice President of the Black Widow squadron and Black Widow Arch-Corsair to the Paijao Sphere:

Greetings Black Widow Commanders, crew members, faculty, and support personnel. The recent news of the disastrous Kingfisher mission and arrival of the insterstellar Thargoid megastructures known as "Stargoids" into the Bubble has left many in a state of anxiety and uncertainty. Some of you who are veterans to combat may be feeling wired and jittery. These are all reasonable feelings to have in these times, but we can focus this energy towards preparedness.

Black Widow pilots are urged to procure all manner of anti-xeno defenses, weaponry, and scanners in order to better scout and defend Kumo Nation space under our confederacy's governance against xeno threats. We must also honor Archon Delaine's own vow to secure vengeance against the Thargoids for their attacks on Kumo Nation starports in humanity's frontier nebulae. Though there are many unknown unknowns that may await us, the efficacy of Guardian-Hybrid weaponry against Thargoids is well-proven when used in most situations. We should also ready pure-human AX weaponry as made by Aegis, in case the Thargoids deploy similar field effects as in HIP 22460. These human-made AX modules are available for Black Widow squadron members and my close associates aboard my carrier, H2G-52M Renaissance Anchorage.

Ground forces are asked to prepare SRV Scorpions, Dominator suits, and their finest personal weaponry dealing kinetic, plasma, and explosive damage types. Having visited Thargoid structures and tested our current market-available personal weaponry on their scavenger drones, I would estimate these are the best types of weaponry to use against any Thargoid infantry should they make an appearance dust-side.

Scientific study of the Thargoids is also of merit so that we may better understand this existential threat and put an end to it, but only if it does not endanger our people's lives. Finally, for anyone with civilian families or loved ones they may consider evacuating along the newly-constructed Colonia Bridge highway; I have taken it myself and had a hand in building it so can assure you of the ease it is to get to humanity's furthest frontiers as compared to even a few years ago.

Most importantly, work together and in solidarity with one another, always. Black Widow crew members have come from all walks of life, from the Empire to the Alliance, and while the superpowers flounder it is independent factions like our own that can come together and remain undaunted in the coming storm.

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