Logbook entry

Join Us for a Galactic Milestone: Victoria Hothis Unveils Azimuth’s New Galactic Vision – A Speech Not to Be Missed!

06 May 2024Haraldsen
**Save the date**: Cartier City, Xi Wangda - May 8, 3310

The future is now! Azimuth Biotech stands at the forefront of innovation, spearheading efforts to harmonize biotechnological advancements with the needs of billions of people across the universe.

Join us for a momentous occasion as **Victoria Hothis**, visionary leader of **Azimuth Biotech Experimental Labs (ABEL)**, is charting a course towards unprecedented collaboration and discovery. This landmark speech will take place in the bustling hub of Cartier City, Xi Wangda, at the Grand Townhall Convention Center.

Circle **May 8, 3310**, in your star charts and make your way to the **Grand Townhall Convention Center** in Cartier City. The event kicks off at **0900 hours**, with the keynote speech launching at **1000 hours**. Your presence would be most welcome, and we are open to hearing your expectations in a forum that encourages constructive discourse. Immerse yourself in the dialogue that will shape our collective future. Visit our website now to secure your spot!

**Can't join us in person? No problem!** We understand the vastness of space can keep us apart. That’s why we will be offering a high-definition recording of the event, ensuring that **Victoria Hothis's keynote speech** will be transmitted and available for all, regardless of your planetary coordinates.

**Reserve your place in history!** Be part of an event that will echo through the cosmos for millennia to come. Your presence supports not only Azimuth Biotech but also the broader galactic community as we join forces for a better future for all mankind. Victoria Hothis, our esteemed leader, is always eager to engage with all members of the galactic community, whether they be supporters, critics, or curious observers. It is in this spirit of engagement that we extend a cordial invitation to all of you.

**Reserve Your Seat** in the forefront of innovation. Witness the dawn of a new era with Azimuth Biotech, where we don’t just follow trends – we create them.

Azimuth Biotech – Pioneering Today for a Better Tomorrow

OOC: Nobody really has to come to Xi Wangda, everything that takes place will take place here on Inara. Not that someone will park in my front garden and block my beautiful view of the sea
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︎7 Shiny!

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