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Breaking News : Brutal Attack on Azimuth Biotech's High-Ranking Official Thwarted

11 May 2024Haraldsen
In a shocking and condemnable reaction contrasting the peaceful spirit of the recently concluded high-profile forum at Xi Wangda, a group of terrorists launched a brutal attack on a high-ranking member of Azimuth Biotech, targeting no other than the renowned Chief Research Officer and Head of their Experimental Labs division, Victoria Hothis, herself. The assailants, dubbed enemies of humanity by none other than the CEO of Azimuth Biotech, Torben Rademaker, orchestrated a sinister plan involving a bomb planted within an elevator, thereby accepting the deaths of many bystanders. However, their nefarious plot was foiled by the quick action of a security team.

Eyewitnesses report a fierce firefight erupted, echoing through the corridors of the facility. Amidst the chaos, an elite Azimuth Special Operations unit intervened, decisively denying the attackers' advance. A source close to the scene recounted seeing the spec ops team appearing seemingly out of nowhere, clad in midnight black, high-tech combat armor, bearing a ‘V’ sign on the sides of the helmets, and quickly overpowering the apparently frightened terrorists, even capturing one or two of them in the process.

Contradicting these eyewitness accounts, official statements assert there were no survivors among the attackers, and no Special Operations unit but only regular security personnel present on the scene. They argue that eyewitness accounts are generally very unreliable sources due to the extraordinary situation in which the eyewitnesses found themselves.

In the aftermath of the incident, whispers within corporate halls suggest that Azimuth Biotech has granted Victoria Hothis an unprecedented level of resources and autonomy. Insiders speculate this move is an attempt to both appease and empower her, possibly as a reward for her invaluable loyalty and contributions to the company's groundbreaking advancements at the risk of her life.

As the dust settles, the truth remains obscured, leaving the public to ponder about what criminal and despicable group is behind this barbaric and senseless attack, and how far Victoria Hothis' power now extends.

*This has been a special report by the T Tauri News Network.*
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