Name: Galactic Core Initiative
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Members: 33

In-game name:
  • PSgalactic core initiative [TGCI]
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About Galactic Core Initiative

Welcome to the Galactic Core Initiative!


GCI Server:

Elite Dangerous Training Community Server:

As a (GCI) Galactic Core Initiative member, we focus on helping others to succeed in what they are trying to achieve. One of our main goals is help new players find their way within the world of Elite.  To help them find their place among the stars. Both literally and figuratively, whether it's a trader you are aspiring to be or combat pilot with a mission to help out those in need. We have you covered, or anything else in between. The running of events that we can all take part in is of high priority, whether it be Canyon flying/racing, SRV mountaineering, group trade runs, mining expeditions, combat days, exploration to far-off star systems, (or somewhere a bit closer to home depending on you experience level and or stamina) and much more. We do not condone or teach the ways of piracy or griefing in any such regard. Or anything that may constitute or be similar to any of these activities.

If all this sounds appealing to you, join today. Help us carve a place among the stars for generations to come. By joining the (GCI) you will become a part of our legacy, if you aim to help others to succeed on their journey through the Milky Way. Or if you have a positive outlook on life and that reflects on how you are with others. Then the (GCI) is a place you can call home.

To encourage an have positive gaming atmosphere, Is of high importance to us. As we grow, more positions will become available. If you would like to help with wing planning or our ps4 communities, please contact PSN: Fire69Hawk or PSN: XxNeBsTeRxX-_- also try DISCORD! future events are currently in the early planning stages. Until we get to know one another and expand more. With a large wing, it opens up the possibility for us all to get added into Elite as a player faction.

Allied & Sponsored by Elite Dangerous Training Terminal & Elite Dangerous community on PS4!

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