Name: After Earth Stellar Alliance
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: London
Members: 57

Related minor faction: After Earth Stellar Alliance

In-game name:
  • PCAfter Earth Stellar Alliance [AESA]
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About After Earth Stellar Alliance

AESA Squadron
The After Earth Stellar Alliance [AESA] Squadron is a aligned with the After Earth Stellar Alliance player group and Minor Faction. We are focused on a relaxed community spirit, the group has a no pressure policy. Play when you like and as often or as little as you like.

Our Faction is based in our home station Schmitt Ring, in the star system Kuwema. For those players who want a more involvement and interest within in the game. As members of AESA, you will be able to manipulate the Background Simulation [BGS] and expand our area of control within the Galaxy. This can be done by combining the many different gameplay styles to manipulate the Background Simulation - so something for everyone. The missions board suddenly has meaning!

How to join the AESA Squadron
- Applicants should be a member of the After Earth Stallar Alliance [AESA] Discord. Here is our
- Applicants should be 18+. However exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis.
- Applicants should be interested in participating in at least one mission per-month.
- Applicants must have an INARA account and are encouraged to use E:D Market Connector (PC only). Sign up with Inara here:
- Applicants will be asked to confirm that they agree to the terms of conduct above.

How to apply for the Squadron
- Applicants must submit their join request in Inara ( Search for "AESA" or "After Earth Stellar Alliance"
- Applicants must include their Discord handle when submitting the join request.
- One of the @Squadron Leaders  or @Fleet Admiral team will contact you via Discord to get you setup in the Squadron in game.

Latest squadron members

Dean KnightElite VPC
SiveenElite IPC
ZimzyElite IPC
Elliot AvariciousElitePC
Tryston Phoenix
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