Captain Capt. Shadow Johnson
Hacker / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Slippery Shadow
4,500,000 Cr

Logbook entry

Woke up in the middle of a grav jump...

Ok this is a first, I was grav jumping in my sleep. Woke up to the UC Navy yelling at me. Told them I was just passing through, they told me they’d shoot me down if I got closer to their space station. Didn’t even notice that there. Immediately landed on the planet below to gather my thoughts. Where the hell am I?

I guess I’m on some planet called “Luyten’s Rock”?

Decided to search a “Robotics Science Facility”. There was Contraband, upstairs from the robot storage room, behind locked door. There also a lot of dead pirates here now.. A lot of junk to sell, usual crap and the few big tickets aren’t my style, so sell. Did get half a dozen Heart+ to craft more Panacea, so that makes these locations good.

[Planet Surveyed]

Need to enter more data into my exploration database. Still working on tweaking more room into my cargo holds. Every grav jump helps.

Jumped into Bessel system, III has some kinda Station floating around it, tried hailing, its on emergency power. Initial impressions upon entering- this place is a fucked up mess. Time to bumble around. Nothing much, just spacers scavenging a broke space station.

Grav jumping around, somehow ended up on the planet Sarah crashed on.
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︎2 Shiny!
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