Captain Capt. Shadow Johnson
Hacker / Wanderer
Registered ship name
Slippery Shadow
4,500,000 Cr

Logbook entry

Sarah is dead, what have I done

That bastard, the hunter, scorpious, asshat in black, whatever he calls himself- murdered Sarah. I feel broken. The past so many days seem a blur, seem to be some horrible dream, a nightmare, I keep waking back up into instead of away from. It’s my belief that bastard did this all on purpose. It wasn’t about the threat, about the murder or possible murders- it was all a test. A test where there was no right answer, no right way, only suffering, only a lesson in consequences unavoidable. Well fair enough, you will not be my antagonist, I will forever live on in a world where death will be my ultimate teacher, not some self righteous cult of the stars or their Unity. There is so much to do, to experience, I’m not going to do anything to what, recycle, do it all over again. I’m no child, I can live with my consequences. FOREVER FORWARD INTO THE STARFIELD I GO!

And besides, I know Sarah would have wanted it this way.

I will end this entry there and start a new one for today’s journey. There is enough of a footnote of personal growth here.
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