Captain Sixten Remus
Explorer / Vigilante
Registered ship name
26,700 Cr

Logbook entry

2330-May-16: Hell of a week

14 Mar 2024Sixten Remus
So much for my return to the simple life. One day into my contract with Argo and I'm tasked with digging something ancient out of the ground. One really weird trip and a blackout later, we're being attacked by pirates and I'm in a loaned ship. I didn't ask for this, but do I ever? Like a moron, I agree to help this guy, Bennet, out of his jam. Didn't learn until I broke atmo that these pirates were pretty determined to grab the item I had. Bennet's ship, the Frontier, isn't a bad little vessel. Comes with a butler named Vasco. We decided to remove the pirates from the board. It was quick work. Pirates never seem to think you're going to come for them. Disorganized and looking to impress their friends, pirates do some of the stupidest things in combat. The slug in charge of the whole operation wasn't that much of a threat. It was over pretty quick and I had some items to sell.

Then Vasco tells me the news - We're going to Jemison. That's UC space. When they're not killing civilians, the UC is making up a new law for everything. But the job is the job. We went.

Their little group, Constellation, seems fine. Sarah, the apparent boss, has got us hunting down another one of those things I carved out of the rock. She's following my lead for now and the Frontier seems to be my new ship. To test out our new arrangement, I decided to visit the house first on Nesoi in the Olympus system. Spent a good amount of time surveying and cleaning out a local pirate crew. Sarah has been a good sport about it. I think it's time we get back on track and get her job done.

Oh, a pack of spacers landed near us and opened fire. I now own that ship, too. Not sure whether I'm going to sell it, scrap it, or trick it out yet.
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