Captain T Whizzerd
Registered ship name
10,790 Cr

Logbook entry

Shaeondra - Frontier Shadow Captain

09 Mar 2024T Whizzerd
I went through the mining tunnels. Like so many times before. I could speed through all of this, but this time, I’m smarter. More patient. I want to fully live this journey. I followed some blokes outside for a bit of fresh air……just kidding. The air on this rock is pure poison. As we step out onto the moon, a ship, a small, yes, small Constellation ship gently ascends upon us. I met a friendly man named Barrett. He seems almost familiar. Yes, I think maybe we’ve met before but I can’t place him. Maybe in another life perhaps.

Before I knew it, another ship is touching down, and mercs are running around everywhere. It doesn’t take long and we mop up the lot of them.

I’m being sent off now on some mission. I’m supposed to take down some pirates and then fly to Jemison to meet up with constellation. Unfortunately, my stealth skills are not honed. Even though I work well in extremely hard settings, I’ve decided to talk my way out of this one. Besides, I like to play with my food before I eat it. To face them head on, well, where’s the fun in that when I could kill them each from the shadows. Unsuspecting. Watch the bleed off from afar. 1 by one, until the last remains. Watch them shreak, and cry out for one another. Yes. That is good sport.

I went on to Jemison and gave an artifact over to Sarah. Seems cute enough. If I were bi, well, maybe I’d have a go at her. She’s asked me to sign up. This seems all too familiar, and I feel, pressured, and maybe rushed. Maybe it’s the blackout session I had back on that rock. I feel ……..hollow.

I’ve turned them down for now. They offered me a room anyway and gave me a key. I did not take the room or explore their lodge. Instead, I left Jamison and headed back to the system of Narion where all this started. I feel driven to explore.
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