
Notable quest rewards

Quest stages

It's my second outing with Argos Extractors. I'm following Supervisor Lin around today while she oversees the dig site, doing whatever tasks she has for me.
Whatever I found in the mine knocked me out cold. Now whoever paid for this whole operation is making a landing, and we need to meet him.
Objective: Land at New Atlantis
Pirates are attacking us! We need to fend them off.
Pirates are attacking us! We need to fend them off.
We survived the pirate attack. I should check with our client, Barrett, and the others to see if they're okay.
Barrett wants me to take the Artifact to his colleagues in Constellation. I'll have his ship, the Frontier, and his robot Vasco for the journey.
I brought the Artifact to Constellation, and now they want me to join. Sarah Morgan, the Chair of Constellation, is asking me to come with her on a mission.
I've been reborn in a new universe. I should head back to the Lodge and see if I can pick up the trail of the Artifacts.
I returned to the Lodge in this universe. Now, the search for the Artifacts continues.