
The Great Laredo Caper

Side quest
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Quest stages

A girl has called out for me on the Akila City streets. I should see what she needs.
While walking in Akila City, I overheard two girls talking and they called for my help. I should talk with them.
So Annie Wilcox thinks there is a thief stealing things from the Laredo Firearms Factory. She says the thief has regularly been stealing around midnight.
Objective: Talk to the girl
As Annie Wilcox said, there is indeed a suspicious character I found outside the Laredo Firearms Factory. I should talk with him.
Objective: Apprehend the Laredo Arms thief at midnight
Annie Wilcox's hunch was right - indeed there was a thief and Akila City Security has picked him up. I should let Annie know about the good news.
Objective: Report back to Annie Wilcox
It turns out being a "Ranger Surveillance Assistant" is more than an honorary rank. Annie Wilcox has helped in catching a real thief. Her mother is both proud and worried.