
The Boot

Side quest
Tip: You can track your quest progress here on Inara while signed in.

Quest stages

I've agreed to help Antonio Bianchi dispose of a pair of boots by delivering them to the Den, a bar in the far corner of the galaxy.
Objective: Travel to the Den
I've agreed to help Antonio Bianchi dispose of a pair of boots by delivering them to the Den. Before I could dispose of them, however, a worker offered to purchase the pair from me.
I've agreed to help Antonio Bianchi dispose of a pair of boots by delivering them to the Den, a bar in the far corner of the galaxy. I've arrived at the Den and can now dispose of the boots.
Objective: Place the boots in a crate
I've agreed to help Antonio Bianchi dispose of a pair of boots by delivering them to the Den, a bar in the far corner of the galaxy. I placed the boots in a crate where no one will find them.
Objective: (Optional) Sell the boots to the worker
I've agreed to help Antonio Bianchi dispose of a pair of boots by delivering them to the Den, a bar in the far corner of the galaxy. However, I decided to sell them to a worker instead.
I've agreed to help Antonio Bianchi dispose of a pair of boots by delivering them to the Den, a bar in the far corner of the galaxy. After completing the task I returned to Antonio to collect my reward.
Objective: Return to Antonio