Personal content

Real name
Adam Štefánik
Place of birth
Year of birth
190 cm / 6' 3"
75 kg / 165 lb
Build type
Skin color
Hair color
Dark brown
Eye color
CMDR Suttorad life before 3308 is unknow, like most of people in the galaxy. He is most of time regular space trucker. If he is not space trucking, then he will be at nearest nav beacon cleaning it from pirates. If you will see blue shards and then Krait Mk II named Jetfire and you are not clean, you will have problem.

In last months, he appeared in close neighbourhood of Maelstroms to help evacuate people in danger. But after week, he dissapeared from Thargoid occupied space as quickly as he appeared.

His major drawbacks are strong glasses coupled with foggy memory where he put them. If he takes them down, there is big probabilty that he would be searching for them all day. In recent past, he got shot, what left him with bit wobbly walk. Then here comes one controversial thing-speeding. He never want be somewhere last. This leads to fines for reckless flying in station and frequent overshooting destinations while in dupercruise since he is not using supercruise assist(described by him as "snaily slow").

Once he was "fooled" by infamous FreeConda at Hutton Orbital myth ane got there. In hour. There are rumours that he will do it again.

But when he has his glasses on, he is very accurate in shooting, don't matter if pistol or ship mounted cannon. Piloting almighty T-10 Defender is great skill too, if we look on ship's size. And second size of speeding- if he doesn't overshoot, he will be in destination very fast.

From his social side, he is quite friendly as long as other person is not slave-based economy supporter or communist. That is probably because his family on the Earth in late 20th century was under communists leaders and being handled like slaves. No personal liberty, no ownership, etc.

He is rarely visitor of the bar, but if he visits it, he is always in the darkest corner near window. Once at bar he introduced himself like Adam, descendant of one famous Slovak general of French army, what can give hint after who was named his Fleet Carrier.

After almost recent events in the bar, he decided to join local authorities. But they refused him, so he signed to the OmniPol. Since they were short on personnel, they took him. Now, thanks to OmniPol badge, he is something between freelancer and local authority. He even tried to join hunt on the infamous slaver Marcus Diaz, but headquaters and some by him at least known persons, have other plans.