Name: The Will Of The Council
Allegiance: Independent
Language: English
Timezone: Central Time (US & Canada)
Members: 9

In-game name:
  • PCThe Will Of The Council [TWTC]
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About The Will Of The Council

The Exiled Council’s goal is aimed at the protection and the betterment of Humankind as a whole without jeopardizing the safety of innocent lives. Since the superpowers are too busy with their political squabbles, The Will Of The Council was formed to offer a hand to all those in need regardless of their allegiance, background, or history. Every life saved, every good deed done, and every injustice righted makes the galaxy just a little safer for those traversing the cosmos. So join The Will Of The Council and help save humanity!

Our group is interested in experiencing all aspects of the game excluding activities that negatively affect other players. We want to build a group that is welcoming and gives all CMDRs a drive to experience Elite Dangerous completely. All CMDRs are welcome and you are not required to be constantly active, we understand there is a life outside the game, the squadron will be here for you when you are ready to fly your next mission. We mostly play in a group session and that is where we will be holding our events but if you are a solo player you are still welcome to join, even if only to join the discord to have some friendly CMDRs on the comms while you fly. Events will be mostly designed so the solo CMDRs can still participate in solo play, so don’t worry about being left out.

The Will Of The Council is run by 3 councilmen who vote on what action to take. This takes the burden of leadership off just one person, while also making sure at least one of the leadership is online or available for questions and decisions. We do a little bit of everything and will be doing group events as well as participating in community goals when they meet our RP. Which brings me to the next point, we do some RP but it is not required. All squadron announcements, backstory, and most events will be RP intensive. Role-playing is not required during these, but is encouraged.

The most important thing to remember is, having fun is the top priority. If you're not having a good time, then what's the point?

Latest squadron members

C. CunninghamSurveyorPC
S. LavodeRangerPC
Enigma of PrideElite IPC
Dameon DrakonusElitePC
Zarek TyboniasElite IPC
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