Logbook entry

Discovering Stuff with Scanners

14 Mar 2021Lhorndra
Ugh. I've been doomscrolling Galnet for far too long. Anyway, I distracted myself with my still ongoing, rather insignificant task to understand and configure my vehicle controls. I’m still new to this, my Cobra is still new to this (it even smells new!), my SRV is still new to this.

I’ve been practising scanning systems with my onboard Full Spectrum System Scanner (FSS – why not FSSS?) for a few days and finally feel quite comfortable using it. So I bought a Detailed Surface Scanner (DSS) and practised scanning planets. Gas giants with rings are still tricky for me, but I’ll get there.

This is the configuration I’ve been using for the scanners. I think everything in there is self-explanatory.

The Bindings Findings Series:

Rookie pilot Lhorndra signing off to clean my cockpit windows.

Huge thanks to EdCardRef and GIMP.
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