
Hello, it looks like your mobile browser is ignoring 302 redirect upon successful login. I have tried to replicate it in some common browsers, but it's working as it should. What browser/version are you using, please? In the worst case, I will just make more clear you are signed in, even when the redirect for some odd reason won't work.
today, 10:51pm
Theoretically, I can buy an additional 5 fleet carriers. But the answer is no. Don’t beg.
Hi Artie,
I haven’t seen this reported yet: When I login on my phone after hitting enter, I stay at the login page. It doesn’t look like I have logged in. However, if I go to menu, My profile shows up, which tells me that I did login. It’s a little confusing.
I guess one reason might be because reactivation missions are a low-risk way of farming Odyssey materials, including PowerPlay items.

Another might be this bug, as it appears that systems where PowerPlay actions are possible are not affected.


One more description of a Powerplay on-foot item:
Military Schematic
A schematic of Power military equipment.
"Thargoid Hunter"... What if you don't hunt them, but process like an industrial meat grinder?
I mean, I can give you some insta-coffee leftovers from the last Titan operation... That's some rocket fuel for sure.
You an bring your fleet and hitch a ride on mine.
today, 8:29pm
Come for a shooting party at the weekend. We can either put you in G.G.G.Gandpa Henry's bed, or push a few beds together in the long gallery for you.
Don't worry, all the doorways are wide enough for a coach and four.
I'll have old ginger-top beat up the grouse for us. She's very handy with a stick you know.
Happy new year friends. Now where is my stimulant pouch I'm tired
Hello, I am not storing historical values of the merits gained at the moment.

Hmmm... is there a specific reason for such thing? Is it something for PP?

Hello, I suspect it was caused by EDMC not reporting the PowerplayLeave properly via API, but I will rather check that. Thanks for the report, for the item descriptions and a happy New year to you, too!

I open to suggestions, if it won't be too close to existing roles, won't collide with some game's stuff/terms and will be a proper occupation.

It seems you have figured it out already, but for the future reference - the game data import via button on your commander page is needed for that. As long as the game account link is active, your carrier will be updated daily (at minimum) from this point.
Happy new year everyone
Star light was still shining off the air born sand, lighting the dust storm with silvery glitter but evening was coming. On the world Creamy had taken to calling Argent when he wasn't calling it Sandy Crevice, or words his mother wouldn't approve, the night lasted about fifteen hours of the almost forty hour day. He couldn't tell if he had experienced a years of Argents cycle, but from the drop in temperature he hoped this was autumn, and he was looking forward to winter.

Custard, his Lizard companion had slinked off to his hidey-hole inside the natural rookery near the top of this fairy spier to stay out of the cooling evening air. Cool was a relative term. It didn't get cold until the sun had been long set, but this was the time of day Creamy had to work out if it was going to be safe enough to leave the dew collector out for the night. Climbing up to the top of the spier was too dangerous in the dark, but having the collector blowen away was just as life threatening.

Slipping down the entrance of the cave wall so Creamy could put his foot on the wall opposite, he slung his lizard skin guitar across his lap and strummed the three remaining string. The weather had been too bad to successfully dry more gut-strings, but the sound the cord-starved instrument made was still better than the endless static noise generated by the ever blowing sand.

Counting was Creamy's new hobby. He'd even counted the seconds of an Argent day, but right now he didn't need to count that high. It was easy to remember how many little bottles of water he had left, and how many times Custard had failed to find a place to dig for a drink.

For the moment he'd enjoy the evening air, at least as much of it he could get that was free of dust. The glimmering sand was almost blotting out the sky, but the rolling dust sometimes let a bit of straw-coloured astra show. This evening he was sitting here straining his eyes because while he climbed home, he thought he saw a drifting cloud that was unusually straight. He imagined the trail of a ship in the sky many times before, but this time he almost believed it was real.
Happy new year everyone!
I apologize if this isn't the best place for this, but I have been out of game for a while (almost 7 years) due to some personal stuff. Id jump back in for a single flight once in a blue moon, but nothing like the hundreds of hours I had put in back in what I call "the before times". The recent ship drops, videos of the end of the war, and some changes in my personal life have me trying to get back into the game in a big way.
That said, I was wondering if someone could help me understand a recent encounter I had with a player piloted vulture. I was interdicted in an alliance chieften, something that has happened several times today in Sol, and the vulture dropped in behind me, instantly knocked my shields out, and proceeded to destroy me in a matter of seconds. Previous interdiction scenarios today I was able to boost and get away relatively easily as I submitted to the interdiction, and if they did get within range, my shields held plenty long enough for me to return fire or get away. This time, however, the player was within 200 meters of me as soon as I dropped out of FSD so my boost meant nothing, though im more concerned over the instant loss of shields.
I missed out on all of the Thargoid war and engineers where relatively new when I was playing before, so I haven't done anything with them. Was this instant shield destruction something brought about by engineer enhancements? If so, is there a counter to it that can be engineered? I suppose I am just feeling a little lost and am trying to catch up on all of the changes that have happened. Id like to continue playing in open, but I need to get caught up on changes so I am not just wiped out like this.

The actual Imperial snobs will still turn up their noses at you. Those honorary ranks don't mean much to them even though you probably worked for it more than the Imperial Duke next door who merely inherited family wealth and title. (But I scoff more at the people who claim to be an admiral in the Federation navy because they have some fancy calling card with it slapped on, even if they've never so much as set foot in a military.)

... I wouldn't mind myself some extra bedrooms, though. And maybe also with the doorways made a bit wider than average...
today, 6:42pm
Omfg. I may be fat but this is something else.
I decided to check if it is possible to add special effect on FSD (SCO) pre-engineered, and it appears it works now I managed to add mass manager to 5A at KHUN-Elvira MARTUUK shop. It is added 2 LY. PS! If it has been known for a while now then sorry I missed it.
today, 6:09pm
I notice that I am now a Prince in the Imperial Navy.

OK Plebs. I expect your humble resepect from this moment on.

I expect someone else to pick up all my bills.

I expect my own 26 bedroom residence in the palace grounds.

I expect free pizza.

I expect free helicopter rides.

I expect to be excused from all royal duties.

You may kiss my ring Courier.

Where's my pageboy
Maul’s unexpectedly deep question caught Vasil off guard, and it took his brain a second or two to process what was being said before he replied. “Running from something? I suppose that depends on who you ask he ask.”

Vasil allocated extra power to shields in preparation for descent through the atmosphere and started easing the Long Road into its approach. “My sister will tell you the past thirty years out here has been one long effort to avoid responsibility. That, however, is easily refuted by the simple fact I returned from the black when summoned, and that I am currently out bone hunting.”

“Orbital cruise engaged,” said Jefferson “Thirty-seven seconds to approach corridor.”

“Set decent angle warning to thirty-five degrees for high-G approach,” Vasil told Jefferson before going back to Maul’s question. “Honestly, I like it out here, alone, seeing things no one else has ever seen. Exploration profit is a little bonus, not the goal. I can’t say how many systems I’ve deleted from the nav logs.”

“Four hundred seventeen systems have been deleted from the nav logs,” said Jefferson, interpreting Vasil’s words as a request for information. “An additional twenty-four have been flagged as not for sale. Fifteen seconds to approach corridor.”

Vasil began throttling back to let the planet’s gravity do most of the work of getting them through the atmosphere. “Hang on. It is probably going to be a rough descent.”
Heat Resistant Ceramics are a G2 manufactured material, so not super rare. you can either try search for them in anarchy systems and salvage them from signal sources, but a more time effective method would be to find any high-grade emission, collect all the G4/G5 materials, and then visit a manufactured material trader near you to trade for them. INARA has a search function here that can help you find mat traders:
Hi trying to get a Guardian Power Plant I need to find 15 x Heat Resistant Ceramics, Ive tried searching but can't seem to find anywhere I can get them. Can anyone point me in the right direction.

many thanks
Why do you need one?
Does anybody have enough money to help me buy a fleet carrier
today, 1:58pm
No more aliens to kill
Sometime had passed since Maul had been in the SRV hangar prepping loadouts to load into the SRVs. There was a small arsenal of various modified weaponry for them to choose from a few Karma AR-50s, a couple Manticore Tormentors, Intimidators, Executioners, and three Karma L-6's to round it all off. Maul treated this like any other job he'd done that had unknown variables. Those unknowns were usually human though. Best to be overprepared.

"Hey Vas!" he called out, his voice muffled from being half inside one of the SRV's storage space. After securing one of the cases into place, he popped it open to double check the ammo reserves and then finally pulled himself out of the storage to finish his thought.

"I know you said you've been doing this deep space exploring thing for a whil and all but being out here and seeing how well you're handling it, well, I gotta ask, what exactly are you runnin' from, man?" Realizing that may have sounded vague or accusatory, he paused for a moment before further elaborating. "Not to say you're running from anything but like, man, I've been there before and just kinda..." He grunted as he reached back into the case and pulled one of the assault rifles out to check that the modifications he'd requested were in place. "...sorta can see the signs you know? I was runnin' from some shit not long before we met. Tried so hard to forget that eventually I finally did. Thought I'd be happier if I could just get so loaded that I'd forget who I was and the shit I've done or was doin' but, yeah, that wasn't the case. Made it worse."

As he placed the rifle back into the case, he smacked his head on the way back out of the storage space causing a loud thunk to echo through the SRV hangar.

"Ow shit..."

"But yeah man, I dunno, maybe I'm just projecting or something. This whole 'confronting my feelings' thing is kinda new to me honestly. Would always just cut people out and disappear when shit got heavy. Can see now though how dumb of a move that was. Hindsight, eh?"

He'd felt like he'd rambled on for ages without pause, which was something he used to tend to do in the past when trying to be serious about a topic. Realizing that, he finally decided to hush as he continued to load the weapons into the next SRV.