Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
07 Oct 2015, 4:29am
i second that opinion.

any chance of a cqc rank of ''NOT INTERESTED'' ?

i never touched the beta just like the vast majority that PAYED to test beta , which forced FD to open the beta to unpaying players.
i am never going to touch cqc now its live.

I'd be happy putting CQC into a 'Misc' category that could be expanded to contain other things later as they're added. I personally don't think the 'rank' for CQC deserves the same prominence as the others, given that it's a 'game within the game'. It's like having your GTA 5 or Forza scores on your drivers license.

Not knocking the site or the effort you put in Artie. It's certainly one of the most useful resources I've found for ED.
07 Oct 2015, 9:35am
i agree CQC isnt part of the main should be taken away and left to rot in console hell...

07 Oct 2015, 9:55am
Well, it's little bit complicated and controversial theme. When CQC was announced, my attitude was: "who cares about it". But, I gave it a chance during beta and now I must admit it's fun and it probably makes more sense than "core" Powerplay update with all their gamey stuff like command capital points and weekly cycles. The only major issue is that it is disconnected from the main game too much, so it doesn't rise a feel that CQC is part of it. For example like soccer in our real world. Is CQC different than main game? Sure, it is. But it is worse than main game? I don't think so. Same as soccer mentioned, it's a different thing than real world, but despite that is part of it.

But, to please both camps, CQC and non-CQC, I will do some adjustments today, which will hide CQC rank in your and any profile (but just there) when none set and will expand navy ranks. I think it will be a good compromise.

Big PappaI'm sure this has been discussed before, any future plans to be able to PM multiple folks?
Assume that's not easy as that might be kind of an architectural change to how the PM mechanism works now...

I left some doors opened for it, but I want rather to make thread access control fist, which will probably solve most of the needs for it.
07 Oct 2015, 9:59am
you are a legend and a scholar sir!...

seriously i think its safe to say Artie that everyone here appreciates what you have done with INARA mate..

07 Oct 2015, 10:19am
Artie , thank you very much for all the hardwork and effort you do for all of us, i know it is appreaciated and this site has come on in leaps and bounds from the original conception.

07 Oct 2015, 10:35am
the site have done for a long time now, love the changes...
07 Oct 2015, 11:29am
Hurricane Moonyou are a legend and a scholar sir!...

seriously i think its safe to say Artie that everyone here appreciates what you have done with INARA mate..


If there was a "Shiny!" button i would of press it, maybe something for the next update?
07 Oct 2015, 12:36pm
Posh changes on the cmdr section, well done! Great work, applauded!
07 Oct 2015, 5:22pm
Thanks and you are welcome, commanders

Just additional few tweaks and fixes:
- CQC rank icon is not displayed in profile when none set (as mentioned earlier)
- in opposite, CQC ranking position is now displayed to profile, when CQC rank set
- fixed bug with discussion paging for new/unvisited threads when "newest first" ordering set
- roster on wing front page changed to latest wing members overview, for wings with 50+ members
07 Oct 2015, 5:29pm
Awesome site. Definitely will encourage people making groups since you have made it quite intuitive.
07 Oct 2015, 6:07pm
ArtieWell, it's little bit complicated and controversial theme. When CQC was announced, my attitude was: "who cares about it". But, I gave it a chance during beta and now I must admit it's fun and it probably makes more sense than "core" Powerplay update with all their gamey stuff like command capital points and weekly cycles. The only major issue is that it is disconnected from the main game too much, so it doesn't rise a feel that CQC is part of it. For example like soccer in our real world. Is CQC different than main game? Sure, it is. But it is worse than main game? I don't think so. Same as soccer mentioned, it's a different thing than real world, but despite that is part of it.

But, to please both camps, CQC and non-CQC, I will do some adjustments today, which will hide CQC rank in your and any profile (but just there) when none set and will expand navy ranks. I think it will be a good compromise.

Big PappaI'm sure this has been discussed before, any future plans to be able to PM multiple folks?
Assume that's not easy as that might be kind of an architectural change to how the PM mechanism works now...

I left some doors opened for it, but I want rather to make thread access control fist, which will probably solve most of the needs for it.

I almost spit out my lunch. Do you REALLY think CQC is a better addition than Power Play?
Are we playing the same game?

I tried CQC and the fact that you have to grind through the crappiest ships before you can get anywhere, and the other fact that it is just arena combat in ships....well I lost interest very quickly. I will take command points and power play over just another lame pvp arena battle any day. But as you and many said, to each their own. For me, my tent is pitched in the "CQC can rot in console hell" camp.
07 Oct 2015, 6:28pm
Hey artie i saw you have a irc chat on here have you ever thought about doing a discord channel instead? less up keep and its like skype and ts3 combined. food for thought
07 Oct 2015, 6:32pm
Cim Taurus I almost spit out my lunch. Do you REALLY think CQC is a better addition than Power Play?
Are we playing the same game?

I tried CQC and the fact that you have to grind through the crappiest ships before you can get anywhere, and the other fact that it is just arena combat in ships....well I lost interest very quickly. I will take command points and power play over just another lame pvp arena battle any day. But as you and many said, to each their own. For me, my tent is pitched in the "CQC can rot in console hell" camp.

Hold on, I didn't said that CQC is better (or worse) than Powerplay. I just said that in my opinion it gives more sense than some of the Powerplay mechanics, but is very disconnected from the main universe. What is better or worse is always a very subjective thing. I fully understand that for you it can be just some arcade shoot'em all that doesn't worth your time, in opposite for me it is a opportunity to have fun in few battles with basic Condor and then going to do something more serious elsewhere. Well, I am rather "adventure, not politics" type of guy.

PyrethedirtbagHey artie i saw you have a irc chat on here have you ever thought about doing a discord channel instead? less up keep and its like skype and ts3 combined. food for thought

As this chat channel is not very used, I was not thinking in that direction yet. So not sure if it is needed at all...
08 Oct 2015, 2:46am
PyrethedirtbagHey artie i saw you have a irc chat on here have you ever thought about doing a discord channel instead? less up keep and its like skype and ts3 combined. food for thought

I currently set up one for Elite Xbox One!
08 Oct 2015, 1:07pm
In the ship yard you have the Imperial Eagle as a "Gutamaya" made ship when it is Core Dynamics

Also now the our wing is large enough to use its logo in a signature, the problem is that it ends up being to small. I assume as it is squeezing it from the 150px width? If possible would it be an idea to have a dedicated upload option for the right size for that logo?

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