Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
23 Jan 2024, 9:33pm
Not sure if I can reproduce this. Looking at shows a civil war, and going to the system page also shows a civil war taking place. Prehaps this was when inara wasn't updating correctly on the 21st?
23 Jan 2024, 10:38pm
I suspect there may be something else going on, like something set wrong in the search options or so. Thus - Zadarzd, please, send me a link to your search as asked earlier, without it is not possible to reproduce your report. Thank you.
23 Jan 2024, 11:30pm
Hi Artie,

It looks like Patreon is targeting privacy laws here in the US, and we have few enough of them as it is.  I realize there must be some benefits for you to use them, but is there some additional way you'd be willing to accept support?  Honestly, I'd rather give a little extra to cover Paypal fees if that's an issue.

As always, thank you for all that you do.
24 Jan 2024, 1:31am
Rotwhylr... I realize there must be some benefits for you to use them, but is there some additional way you'd be willing to accept support? ...

Hello, yeah, it makes my life much easier as they have a free API I can use for keeping the supporter statuses up to date, simple recurring donations identification, better reporting and all that for similar/same fees. Although Paypal is more widely accepted, its API requires the business account (so higher fees), requires extra work like setting and billing the recurring donations and various other complications and thus I prefer to use the Patreon instead.

By the way, after the brief check (I wasn't very thorough and thus I may be wrong) - it seems the primary motivation of Patreon is to reduce their engineering work, reduce the complicated consent obstacles and have some general data for the videos. Naturally, depends on what kind of data, but if they will want to collect any PII, they will still need to comply with GDPR/CCPA regulations (as they already are for any other personal data) and as far as I remember, their privacy policy wasn't discriminating some geo, so it was also applied for non-GDPR countries.
24 Jan 2024, 12:50pm
Zadarzdwolf 294 system shows normal state no civil war inara shows it when i search for civil war state

Because there is a civil war in there, Coalition of Wolf 294 vs Wolf 294 Industry. As you have been there, you can verify that on the system map in the game, for example.
25 Jan 2024, 4:31pm
Hey, Artie, do you have any idea why my squadron rank in INARA (pilot) doesn't match my in-game squadron rank (veteran)? It's been that way for awhile and I just haven't cared much but now that I'm coming back to the game I kinda do.

Edit: Oh good grief....sorry, wrong forum...thought I was in the ED one.

Edit 2: apparently it's the same thread despite the differing URI.

Last edit: 25 Jan 2024, 5:32pm
25 Jan 2024, 5:52pm
In the Starfield db / planetary search, the trait "Boiled Seas" is not listed in the Traits criteria dropdown list.
It is correctly mentionned in planetary summaries (like Shoza I-a here:
25 Jan 2024, 6:10pm
DøømHåmstërHey, Artie, do you have any idea why my squadron rank in INARA (pilot) doesn't match my in-game squadron rank (veteran)? It's been that way for awhile and I just haven't cared much but now that I'm coming back to the game I kinda do.

The squadron membership and ranks are not synced as there are some differences. Your squadron officers should handle the rank changes as needed.

Jane VanceIn the Starfield db / planetary search, the trait "Boiled Seas" is not listed in the Traits criteria dropdown list.
It is correctly mentionned in planetary summaries

Thanks, fixed!
25 Jan 2024, 6:15pm
ArtieThe squadron membership and ranks are not synced as there are some differences. Your squadron officers should handle the rank changes as needed.

25 Jan 2024, 9:23pm
Hello Cmdrs,

A question about BP's custom tags.

Does anyone know if there is a way to updade a custom tag used in a blueprint, so that tag is updated in all the blueprints it is used?
For instance i have a tag BackPack used on a FSD blueprint, as well as on other BPs. And i want to change the tag for 1BackPack. But i'm affraid that if i delete the tag it will just disapear on all blueprints and only the FSD one will have the new tag.

Ty all
25 Jan 2024, 9:29pm
GeoergonHello Cmdrs,

A question about BP's custom tags.

Does anyone know if there is a way to updade a custom tag used in a blueprint, so that tag is updated in all the blueprints it is used?
For instance i have a tag BackPack used on a FSD blueprint, as well as on other BPs. And i want to change the tag for 1BackPack. But i'm affraid that if i delete the tag it will just disapear on all blueprints and only the FSD one will have the new tag.

Ty all

Hello, there is no way to edit the custom tag name. The tags are dynamic, exists only as long as are used on at least one crafting list item/blueprint and are independent to each other. So if you delete the tag for one blueprint (FSD), it will still exist on any other blueprint where it is used. If you want to "rename" it for some items, the best approach is to simply edit those items, add them the tag "1BackPack" and remove the existing "BackPack" on these.
25 Jan 2024, 9:34pm
GeoergonHello Cmdrs,

A question about BP's custom tags.

Hello, there is no way to edit the custom tag name. The tags are dynamic, exists only as long as are used on at least one crafting list item/blueprint and are independent to each other. So if you delete the tag for one blueprint (FSD), it will still exist on any other blueprint where it is used. If you want to "rename" it for some items, the best approach is to simply edit those items, add them the tag "1BackPack" and remove the existing "BackPack" on these.

Ok, good thing i am only starting to organize them. Won't be too much trouble "re-tagging".
Ty very much for your fast answer Artie.
26 Jan 2024, 4:12pm
OrpheusHi Artie,

Thank you again for your amazing site.
If you have the time?
Could I request that you list the top 50 factions that control the most systems please in the reports section?

At the moment you are only listing the top 15.
But many of us are still active, & it is nice to be able to see your factions progress?
Thanks again for your amazing site.
The game would be so much harder without it.



Hello, not very likely, as I think the Total residents table (as Aunty mentioned) is better representing the faction's success (it's harder to achieve something in highly populated systems) and the other two tables are just to show some tops and thus I am keeping it short.

Thank you for the reply.
Although I see his perspective about the amount of residents.
Plus, yes large population systems are very hard to move.

Some quite small factions appear on that list purely by accident of their starting positions, & the fact that their factions were introduced earlier than some?
Allowing them to grab some systems with absolutely massive populations early.

Owning 3 systems of 8-10 Billion would be enough to make it on to the list, as an extreme hypothetical example?
Many factions own so many more systems than some of the factions on that list for instance.
Plus some factions were not placed near any huge population systems by Frontier.
So using that purely as a measure is not completely, but slightly flawed in my opinion?

However, I am just putting that point across.
Thank you for taking the time to reply.

Thanks again for your fantastic site.
29 Jan 2024, 2:07pm
Greetings Commanders,

PS4 player here, does anybody know if syncing with PS4 client is still supported ?

I tried importing gaming data(Frontier option), but have failed to do so.
29 Jan 2024, 4:30pm
CMDR XtremerotaryGreetings Commanders,
PS4 player here, does anybody know if syncing with PS4 client is still supported ?
I tried importing gaming data(Frontier option), but have failed to do so.

Hello, unfortunately, the Legacy game version (so consoles and PC version older than 4.0) is no longer supported. But you can get a free PC game copy and migrate to PC by using Frontier's migration portal.

Some quite small factions appear on that list purely by accident of their starting positions, & the fact that their factions were introduced earlier than some?
Allowing them to grab some systems with absolutely massive populations early.

Owning 3 systems of 8-10 Billion would be enough to make it on to the list, as an extreme hypothetical example?
Many factions own so many more systems than some of the factions on that list for instance.
Plus some factions were not placed near any huge population systems by Frontier.
So using that purely as a measure is not completely, but slightly flawed in my opinion?

All player factions started in a single star system and a low influence, so everything they achieved was more or less through their work. Yes, very hypothetically, if you will somehow manage to control just a few star systems but with a huge population, you will make it into the list. The starting position has some effect only in regard of your options where to expand, but I would say it actually may be beneficial to start outside the highly contested high population systems as it may be easier to get the averagely populated star systems around and also a possible loss of some star systems won't have that big impact as losing a single highly populated star system, in case things will go wrong.

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