Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
19 Jul 2015, 7:21pm

I just did not bother filling in my achievements
I am also deadly on Thrudd's a few times over, it has a good interface, but the main shortfall of Thrudd's is you cannot set it to create a string of trades along a path from point A to B, unless you do it manually.

I bluffed mine... I'm really a aimless

On a more serious note... would be able to fulfill the brief ?.... nice edit by the way

I have tried using, but I cannot get it to work like I want to plan a proper route because of limitations in the way it it set up.

As an example situation: Say you are doing power play because you are a fucking masochist and love the merit grinding treadmill. You are hauling tons of "I Aisling" bumper stickers out to the middle of freaking nowhere because some asshole decided this would be a good spot for a control system and now you have to help fortify the damn thing even though it has no strategic value.

It would be nice to search a trade from any station in system BFE to HQ in Cubeo 120+ LY away. So you could stock up on something being sold in BFE, hop a few systems in the general direction of Cubeo, make a trade and repeat that process a couple of times to make some money on the way back to Cubeo to pick up more god damned bumper stickers.

In if you are planning a multi-hop route like this you cannot set an end point to provide a general direction for your route nor can you guide your route with manual selections.

You also do not have to option to use the single hop function to chain together a series of single hop trades in that general direction.

No trade tool I have found thus far can do that effectively. Thrudd's is the closest I have found and it is not automatic. You have to do a string of A -> B searches and then chain them together in a different tab. Elite Trade net seems to have the functionality on the back end, but the interface places more emphasis on looking pretty than actual function.
19 Jul 2015, 8:22pm

Have you looked at Trade Dangerous? If not, I have done a writeup on Using Trade Dangerous with the Trade Dangerous Helper GUI. TD lets you do a destination as "Towards" instead of a Hard Endpoint. Take a look and see if it is more suited to your needs.

It is not a simple setup, but once its setup, it runs quite well.

I have heard a lot of good things about TD, but was put off by having to install python and run it via command line. I was not aware of the helper GUI though...thank you for that, I might give it a try and see if I can get it to work.
19 Jul 2015, 9:37pm
BD@Artie: i'll have a look at it. At Parutis it's actually also a dicatorship as system goverment. But i think i've seen other systems, where the goverment is not a dictatorship and prohibits some goods e.g. slaves and you get a "illegal cargo" warning in hyperspace but arriving at a station under a dictatorship inside this station, everything is fine....

Great, thank you for information! It seems to be changed in the game, so I modified the market page, too. Now it shows in red just commodities prohibited in the selected station and there is also additional icon when commodity is also prohibited in selected system.

Smurfprime: In general multi-hop routes aren't so trivial matter, or more precisely - they are trivial in principle, but very expensive to calculate. That's one of the reason why there must be many limitations and restrictions set for a web service. But, in opposite, calculations for route from A to B and some stations between may be less expensive to calculate (depending on the distance and radius around direct path and other conditions), but more complicated in principle (biggest complication there is the fact you must move player forward and chain trades in one direction and you must do that X-times to get best path or use branching and balance the limits, which further complicates algorithm).  As it is a need of relative minority of players, it seems not to be a priority for many tools. But, it's a direction I want to explore eventually, when time allows...
20 Jul 2015, 4:44am
Smurfprime: In general multi-hop routes aren't so trivial matter, or more precisely - they are trivial in principle, but very expensive to calculate. That's one of the reason why there must be many limitations and restrictions set for a web service. But, in opposite, calculations for route from A to B and some stations between may be less expensive to calculate (depending on the distance and radius around direct path and other conditions), but more complicated in principle (biggest complication there is the fact you must move player forward and chain trades in one direction and you must do that X-times to get best path or use branching and balance the limits, which further complicates algorithm).  As it is a need of relative minority of players, it seems not to be a priority for many tools. But, it's a direction I want to explore eventually, when time allows...

ETN seems to work the problem fairly well, it just lacks some of additional information (e.g., which faction owns a given station) and other UI shortfalls that Thrudd's currently offers.

I respectfully disagree however on the number of players who could make use of this type of tool however, virtually all of the power play factions require some sort of long distance hauling of materials like I have described either to or from HQ which leaves a deadhead trip back in the other direction that could otherwise be used to turn a profit.
20 Jul 2015, 8:42am
Artie  As it is a need of relative minority of players, it seems not to be a priority for many tools.

no offence ment to the many devs of sites dedicated to ED - but , as you pointed out arti , this is a tough cookie to crumble .
im not so sure that what you said there is actualy correct. sadly most people cant imagine a tool not already in their box , which is why bigger bucks go that way IRL. i feel it is more likely most peeps are just getting on with the tools they have already been given

But, it's a direction I want to explore eventually, when time allows...

most sites (if not all - i havent seen any myself) havent produced a 3 point trade ( A -> B -> C -> A) system either (where A is the only fixed point , with B + C within a limited distance) . this might be a nice (and useful) start in that direction .....
20 Jul 2015, 10:37am
Smurfprime: Yep, ETN seems to do something similar and it serves well (and it looks nice)   I just suspect it takes just systems more or less on direct route without a radius around, which is not providing best profits. But I may be wrong.

Greboski: Actually, I was thinking about that A>B>C>A thing already. In fact, Inara has the (partial) data for it when calculating Round trips, it just has some drawbacks that there are no data that cannot be bought/sold in starting station (it's part of optimization). So for example if station A cannot sell/buy Personal weapons, it do not find trades with Personal weapons between B and C, even if there is any. Also, it may be not so precise as commodity lists for the other stations than A are further limited with respect to commodities/prices in A, so it may not find the best trades between B and C. But, maybe there will be something I can do with it to at least partially avoid that limitations. It will be always about a compromise (speed vs precision). Calculating it precisely same way as are now calculated imports/exports/round trips is very expensive resource killer.

In any case, by "relative minority of players" I mean a smaller number of players or smaller number of (search) requests in comparison to "standard" needs of traders. I definitely do not think that number of players is small, so that's why I am taking this feature seriously and not throwing it out of the desk immediately.

Last edit: 20 Jul 2015, 10:44am
20 Jul 2015, 10:51am
Feature Request:

Fantastic site! Just what I've been looking for.

When looking at my flight logs It would be helpful if there was a couple of buttons for Previous log + Next Log. Any chance this could be implemented?
20 Jul 2015, 10:53am
Artie: by the way, can you add a description for your used color codes at the import/export/roundtrip part of the market? I tried to understand it, but there needs to be a pattern i haven't found out or read anywhere
20 Jul 2015, 11:30am
Fizzix: Yes, it is possible. Will be added in next update.

BD: Added to legend below table. In short: green = friendly reputation, red = unfriendly reputation, blue = preferred Power dominion, no color = neutral
20 Jul 2015, 1:14pm
Nice. That makes sense. ☺
20 Jul 2015, 2:00pm
Thanks Artie.
20 Jul 2015, 2:09pm
A nice addition would be the ability to search for a System with the following criteria

Controlled or Exploited by:
Station with Landing Pad:

For example I need to find a station with a large landing pad with high tech economy controlled by Li Yong Rui so I can outfit my Anaconda taking advantage of the 15% discount
20 Jul 2015, 2:12pm
Thanks Artie for the addition of ranks/member management!
20 Jul 2015, 4:52pm
Nice Work Artie
20 Jul 2015, 5:44pm
arti ,

now we have ranks in our wings i have run into a minor annoyance ......
would it be possible to add a ''sort by'' feature to the headers in the wing -> roster + fleets page ( alphabetical for pilots / location , closest for distance / TZD , and by for rank / ship / power - rank+by is the standard order as the data stands) , i dont think this would need to be included on the main ''overview'' wing page , after all that is a synopsis of many points .

this sort would also be useful in the market page for the headers of Export from , Import to and Round trips . here the default is by profit ATM. also by reliability might be included , altho that is the least useful.

i think this probably shoul be done localy without reaccesing the DB , if that is possible.

sorry for offering you more work , i am sure i speak for most members when i say we all love how much of a workaholic you are !!

Last edit: 20 Jul 2015, 5:50pm

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