Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
05 Aug 2015, 6:24pm
Drorga: Fow now it is possible to open radio player in small dedicated window. For persistent audio between pages it is needed to add iframe here (which is something I do not want to do) or change whole page loading to ajax calls (which is something I probably will do in the future, but I want to polish/finish other things first). So as mentioned, now just the small window, it's not so obtrusive how it may look...
05 Aug 2015, 6:48pm
Hey Artie,

Just wanted to say a big thank you for the fantastic site. Easily the best Elite site out there by a long way. Keep up the great work.

Also, do you think you will have a video feature much like you have for the screenshot gallery?

All the best,

05 Aug 2015, 11:13pm
Hoppryngil: Thanks Good idea with the videos, I will add it there together with other gallery changes/improvements that needs to be done.
06 Aug 2015, 8:33am
ArtieHoppryngil: Thanks Good idea with the videos, I will add it there together with other gallery changes/improvements that needs to be done.

As video costs a lot to store and stream, what about just a front face that people could add YouTube clips to? Would save you a fortune in bandwidth costs!
06 Aug 2015, 8:43am
Lase Mooray
ArtieHoppryngil: Thanks Good idea with the videos, I will add it there together with other gallery changes/improvements that needs to be done.

As video costs a lot to store and stream, what about just a front face that people could add YouTube clips to? Would save you a fortune in bandwidth costs!

Sorry, yes, that's what I meant. A function where we could link to video on Youtube etc. As you say, hosting and streaming it on this site would cost a small fortune.

Last edit: 06 Aug 2015, 10:05am
06 Aug 2015, 9:24am
Yep, it was meant that way from my side, too.
06 Aug 2015, 9:55pm
There is incredible heat once again, so there probably will be just minor updates or delivered in smaller pieces for some time.

Few wing related improvements:
- wing description edit moved, also added additional description field which is displayed just to members
- added wing lore/history which can be edited same as wing description, there is also wing action history displayed (members only)
- squadron leaders now can edit wing description and wing lore/history
06 Aug 2015, 10:03pm
ArtieThere is incredible heat once again, so there probably will be just minor updates or delivered in smaller pieces for some time.

Few wing related improvements:
- wing description edit moved, also added additional description field which is displayed just to members
- added wing lore/history which can be edited same as wing description, there is also wing action history displayed (members only)
- squadron leaders now can edit wing description and wing lore/history

Thanks Artie  
08 Aug 2015, 12:44pm
Ah, I see that request was removed meanwhile, but... signature image changes and improvements:
- signature images are now in size 620x115px
- signature image may now contain wing emblem/logo. Only conditions are that wing must have at least 25 members and that emblem contains transparency

To regenerate your signature image simply turn it off and on. If your wing emblem seems to be too small there, try to remove excessive empty space on image sides.
08 Aug 2015, 1:19pm
ArtieAh, I see that request was removed meanwhile, but... signature image changes and improvements:
- signature images are now in size 620x115px
- signature image may now contain wing emblem/logo. Only conditions are that wing must have at least 25 members and that emblem contains transparency

To regenerate your signature image simply turn it off and on. If your wing emblem seems to be too small there, try to remove excessive empty space on image sides.

Yah I discovered there was a way to change it on our end, it's just not intuitive at all. So I thought I should remove the original request. Thank you though for adding that, and for the wing emblem in signature thing. That's very cool.
08 Aug 2015, 1:21pm
Request: Track distance traveled in light years, display is numerical and/or chart form. Total travel, amount travelled in the last 24hrs, 7 days, 30 days etc. Pull data from uploaded log files...
08 Aug 2015, 2:47pm
arti , my coriolis reports dont seem to be working ... i know it has to be me , your yay good at this
08 Aug 2015, 3:00pm
Zatzai: Good idea, I am adding that to my ToDo list.
Greeboski: Hmmm, you are probably using Backup at Coriolis? Please use Export button (next to Low-Weight button) for each of your ship there and it should be alright.
08 Aug 2015, 3:04pm
ArtieZatzai: Good idea, I am adding that to my ToDo list.
Greeboski: Hmmm, you are probably using Backup at Coriolis? Please use Export button (next to Low-Weight button) for each of your ship there and it should be alright.

yep , my fault
09 Aug 2015, 8:06am
Suggestion: Ability to click on the little update number to be taken straight to the corresponding notification (Whichever one is unread and newest).

Example, I have the little "1" above the WING link on my menu but I have no idea what it's for. There are no pending applications, no new private messages, no new command room messages, nada, nothing. How can I find out what the notification is for?

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