Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
13 Sep 2024, 8:48pm
Happy Daze
Thanks Artie,
I have noticed some weirdness within the game lately regarding updating information: I had a mission to buy 72 Micro-weave Cooling Hoses from a Fleet Carrier. I mae the purchase and returned to the station that provided the mission. I was unable to finish the mission because the game said I had no Micro-weave Cooling Hoses.
I checked my inventory and sure enough, it was empty. As it was very late, I gave up and went to bed.
This morning I hopped on the game and noticed now I DID have the Micro-weave Cooling Hoses. I checked history in EDDiscovery and sure enough it showed the purchase the night before. So I finished the mission. I seem to remember some things don't happen until you reboot or wait (maybe your 15 minutes?)

This is a known carrier market bug where the items/commodities purchased will not show until you relog or access a commodity market again (any will do, including the carrier's).

Probably inconsequential enough in most scenarios that Frontier have not bothered to fix it.
13 Sep 2024, 9:21pm
Kasumi Goto
Happy Daze
I have noticed some weirdness within the game lately regarding updating information: I had a mission to buy 72 Micro-weave Cooling Hoses from a Fleet Carrier. I mae the purchase and returned to the station that provided the mission. I was unable to finish the mission because the game said I had no Micro-weave Cooling Hoses.
I checked my inventory and sure enough, it was empty. As it was very late, I gave up and went to bed.
This morning I hopped on the game and noticed now I DID have the Micro-weave Cooling Hoses. I checked history in EDDiscovery and sure enough it showed the purchase the night before. So I finished the mission. I seem to remember some things don't happen until you reboot or wait (maybe your 15 minutes?)

This is a known carrier market bug where the items/commodities purchased will not show until you relog or access a commodity market again (any will do, including the carrier's).

And conversely, commodities sold to a fleet carrier market will not disappear from your inventory until you either access any commodity market again or relog.

This bug is mildly exploitable: you can fill your cargo hold with stuff at a FC and, as long as you neither relog nor look at any commodity market again, you retain your unladen jump range and manoeuvrability, NPC pirates won’t go after you, and so on. (Conversely, if you sell stuff to a FC market and neither relog nor re-access the FC market, your jump range will remain impaired, NPC pirates may go after you, etc.)
13 Sep 2024, 9:30pm
Kasumi Goto
Happy Daze
Thanks Artie,
I have noticed some weirdness within the game lately regarding updating information: I had a mission to buy 72 Micro-weave Cooling Hoses from a Fleet Carrier. I mae the purchase and returned to the station that provided the mission. I was unable to finish the mission because the game said I had no Micro-weave Cooling Hoses.
I checked my inventory and sure enough, it was empty. As it was very late, I gave up and went to bed.
This morning I hopped on the game and noticed now I DID have the Micro-weave Cooling Hoses. I checked history in EDDiscovery and sure enough it showed the purchase the night before. So I finished the mission. I seem to remember some things don't happen until you reboot or wait (maybe your 15 minutes?)

This is a known carrier market bug where the items/commodities purchased will not show until you relog or access a commodity market again (any will do, including the carrier's).

Probably inconsequential enough in most scenarios that Frontier have not bothered to fix it.

13 Sep 2024, 9:35pm
I can see my Personal Equipment on my Commander / Hanger / Personal Equipment page, but those are only the suit/weapon 1/weapon 2/ sidearm configurations. I don't see where my individual weapons or non-configured suits are with their grades and modules.

Am I missing something?
13 Sep 2024, 11:42pm
Happy DazeArtie,
I can see my Personal Equipment on my Commander / Hanger / Personal Equipment page, but those are only the suit/weapon 1/weapon 2/ sidearm configurations. I don't see where my individual weapons or non-configured suits are with their grades and modules.

Am I missing something?

The journal logs only list loadouts, not a list of suits and weapons. To get around this I create loadouts that I never use, holding all the weapons I don't use. For example I've got a Kinetic and Laser loadout for those weapons. A bit like having storage ships you never fly to hold excess modules.

Yeah, it's a bit clunky, but it allows me to list all my guns in Inara.
14 Sep 2024, 9:29pm
The Karma AR-50 weapon Higher Accuracy (Improved Hip Fire) upgrade has wrong item list.
15 Sep 2024, 1:03pm
To unlock Bill Turner the following is currently on the site:
> Meeting requirements
> Gain Friendly status with the Alliance to get a permit to access the Alioth starsystem.

But, gaining friendly status with the Alliance does not unlock the Alioth starsystem, it only gives you the invite mail from Bill Turner.

You also need to gain allied with Alioth Independents and do a unlock mission to access the Alioth starsystem (The missions is available at Meredith's Dream - Alcor and maybe other place? I don't know, sorry)

Simply changing it to:
> Gain Friendly status with the Alliance and get a permit to access the Alioth starsystem.
Would be an improvement, but, including more info would be great

Last edit: 15 Sep 2024, 1:16pm
16 Sep 2024, 1:30pm
SzzSThe Karma AR-50 weapon Higher Accuracy (Improved Hip Fire) upgrade has wrong item list.

Thanks! I see there are still some hidden mines in the blueprint costs not being in the game as expected.
It was updated on Inara.

GoldenGnuTo unlock Bill Turner the following is currently on the site:
> Meeting requirements
> Gain Friendly status with the Alliance to get a permit to access the Alioth starsystem.

But, gaining friendly status with the Alliance does not unlock the Alioth starsystem, it only gives you the invite mail from Bill Turner.

You also need to gain allied with Alioth Independents and do a unlock mission to access the Alioth starsystem (The missions is available at Meredith's Dream - Alcor and maybe other place? I don't know, sorry)

Simply changing it to:
> Gain Friendly status with the Alliance and get a permit to access the Alioth starsystem.
Would be an improvement, but, including more info would be great

Thank you, the requirements of Bill Turner were updated. It was the original wording from the game, but it's right it's better this way.

Happy DazeArtie,
I can see my Personal Equipment on my Commander / Hanger / Personal Equipment page, but those are only the suit/weapon 1/weapon 2/ sidearm configurations. I don't see where my individual weapons or non-configured suits are with their grades and modules.

Am I missing something?
Aunty Sledge The journal logs only list loadouts, not a list of suits and weapons. To get around this I create loadouts that I never use, holding all the weapons I don't use. For example I've got a Kinetic and Laser loadout for those weapons. A bit like having storage ships you never fly to hold excess modules.

Yeah, it's a bit clunky, but it allows me to list all my guns in Inara.

Yeah, as Aunty said, it's problematic to track the individual personal gear items, so creating some "storage" loadouts is the best way to have everything here.
17 Sep 2024, 9:33pm
Hello all,

One of my squad members lost their permissions to admin our squad's Inara roster. I switched him to a rank that did not have squad application accept permissions, and when I switched him back to his original rank, which have accept app perms, he is still unable to accept any applications.

Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.
17 Sep 2024, 11:42pm
Niles SeverinHello all,

One of my squad members lost their permissions to admin our squad's Inara roster. I switched him to a rank that did not have squad application accept permissions, and when I switched him back to his original rank, which have accept app perms, he is still unable to accept any applications.

Any insights or solutions would be greatly appreciated.

Hello, I am not sure who the members is, but you either need to set him as the Chief of staff or assign him the Recruiter role (regardless the rank). Please verify he has one of these.
20 Sep 2024, 6:00am
Hello, might I ask for a little addition? At the "ship details" => "Target loadout" I would really love an export functionality to EDSY/Coriolis like we already have in the "Ship loadout". That would make altering or review a loadout easier - just a little quality of flight option
yesterday, 6:19am
It would be nice to have the missing components show how much you would need to spend trading to achieve the missing amount instead of showing the maximum amount you can trade for.

For example, I'm missing 9 Arsenic and it shows that I can get 135 for 15 Polonium instead of just showing I can get 9 Arsenic for 1 Polonium.

This also applies for upgrading.

I'm missing 3 Molybdenum and it shows I can get 23 for 138 Chromium, where it should just say I can get 3 for 18 Chromium.

The only reason I suggest this is it would make it easier to see how much of each material you would need to spend for the trade and work out the math in your head if you can complete it with your current supplies.
yesterday, 1:25pm
User440379It would be nice to have the missing components show how much you would need to spend trading to achieve the missing amount instead of showing the maximum amount you can trade for.

For example, I'm missing 9 Arsenic and it shows that I can get 135 for 15 Polonium instead of just showing I can get 9 Arsenic for 1 Polonium.

This also applies for upgrading.

I'm missing 3 Molybdenum and it shows I can get 23 for 138 Chromium, where it should just say I can get 3 for 18 Chromium.

The only reason I suggest this is it would make it easier to see how much of each material you would need to spend for the trade and work out the math in your head if you can complete it with your current supplies.

Thank you for the feedback, that's a good point. The material exchange list was adjusted so the exchange amounts are now capped to the amount of material missing (but the number can be still slightly higher due to the material conversion ratios).

Odion KhonsHello, might I ask for a little addition? At the "ship details" => "Target loadout" I would really love an export functionality to EDSY/Coriolis like we already have in the "Ship loadout". That would make altering or review a loadout easier - just a little quality of flight option

Hello, I may think about it but it's not a priority (it will require some changes as the target loadout is primarily intended to be imported, not exported and there is assumed that the target loadout is already existing in another tool). But for now you can just copy the data as both EDSY and Coriolis are supporting the SLEF format import.
yesterday, 5:30pm
User440379It would be nice to have the missing components show how much you would need to spend trading to achieve the missing amount instead of showing the maximum amount you can trade for.

For example, I'm missing 9 Arsenic and it shows that I can get 135 for 15 Polonium instead of just showing I can get 9 Arsenic for 1 Polonium.

This also applies for upgrading.

I'm missing 3 Molybdenum and it shows I can get 23 for 138 Chromium, where it should just say I can get 3 for 18 Chromium.

The only reason I suggest this is it would make it easier to see how much of each material you would need to spend for the trade and work out the math in your head if you can complete it with your current supplies.

Thank you for the feedback, that's a good point. The material exchange list was adjusted so the exchange amounts are now capped to the amount of material missing (but the number can be still slightly higher due to the material conversion ratios).

Now the problem is that I do not see how much total material for exchange I have, unless some of it is reserved.

For example, if I need both Compound Shielding and Shielding Sensors, I see I can trade Imperial Shielding for either… but I cannot see if I have enough Imperial Shielding for both.

I suggest to display something like “[N total]” for components with no reserved amount. (If some amount is reserved, the existing “[X out of N reserved]” does the job fine.)
yesterday, 6:43pm
Sampi Ogonek
Now the problem is that I do not see how much total material for exchange I have, unless some of it is reserved.

For example, if I need both Compound Shielding and Shielding Sensors, I see I can trade Imperial Shielding for either… but I cannot see if I have enough Imperial Shielding for both.

I suggest to display something like “[N total]” for components with no reserved amount. (If some amount is reserved, the existing “[X out of N reserved]” does the job fine.)

Haha, I thought somebody will be missing it.
The total number was added, thanks for the feedback!

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