Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
25 Oct 2015, 11:47am
ReykurHiya, Artie -

Here's a fairly easy request (I think!) - how about a way to float stuff in logbooks to the left/right, e.g. images, so we can can have pictures in-line with our logs, but not completely break up the text?
Also, a link that will show us what markup is available beyond the formatting bar would be super.

I will take a look on it after better tablet/mobile resolutions support (already in progress), as it may break few things. All tags allowed are in the formatting bar already.

 Is it possible to add "Merits" in the "Reputation & PowerPlay" ACHIEVEMENTS section ?

It's not so straightforward, as merits are some kind of "currency", which also change often (at least weekly) so it doesn't fit Achievements section very well. Mixing it with Credits/assets isn't also good idea, so it rather deserves it's own sections, similar to Credits/Assets. But I will rather wait if there will be some additional "currency" added to the game, as having section just for merits is overkill a little bit.

 cool site! I really like, that I can store my ships, balance, etc at one place. But for the "CREDITS AND ASSETS"-graphic I m missing the ability to change the time axis.. with more and more data its getting more and more unreadable.. can you add that? =)

It display just latest 50 records in profile main page and latest 100 records in Credits/Assets. So there are no readibility problems.

AnnabunchesFeature request: it would be totally awesome if we could have an API to update various data in our Cmdr's Log.

I have already some plans for API, but I am afraid widely/publicly available it won't be here soon (it's like Frontier's official API, eh? )

RudolphusArtie is it possible that we can have our own chat channel in our wing,

There won't be integrated chat feature definitely (it just spams the database and server with requests for refreshes). But you can use Discord server/chat. It's easy to setup, it has web interface and also it's own apps and Inara has a widget for it, which can be set in your wing settings (it shows who is on chat).
25 Oct 2015, 12:15pm
Yes something like this I was searching thank you Artie

There won't be integrated chat feature definitely (it just spams the database and server with requests for refreshes). But you can use Discord server/chat. It's easy to setup, it has web interface and also it's own apps and Inara has a widget for it, which can be set in your wing settings (it shows who is on chat).

Post edited/moved by: Artie, 26 Oct 2015, 11:51am
25 Oct 2015, 12:30pm
FR: Could we have a section to post racing events? Seems like racing is getting more popular. Seems like it would fit as a subsection within "Galaxy"
26 Oct 2015, 12:10am
How about this "logbook" tab in the wing?

that would be cool if we could use it for the story of the wing
26 Oct 2015, 2:02am
Hey Artie, first off, as many have said before, thank you for this tool of a website. This by far has made my experience with Elite: Dangerous much more enjoyable and something to look forward to. A lot of the features you have on here already implemented are amazing and the ideas you have for the future sound great. Despite any bugs, this is a wonderful tool, which by default makes you a wonderful person.

I am curious about some things though. The integration behind Xbox One's play of the game. I think it's been mentioned you've added something for it. Does it have to do with my location? Because my location keeps switching to wherever I am and I'm not changing it. Either it's something you've added or someone is messing with me, and I'm just looking for confirmation.

Also, is there something that keeps people from editing the prices on the market when a Community Goal is attached to the market? Or did someone erase the prices I set for Kaushpoos? I set them correctly the other night and the next morning everything was blank.

Again, thank you so much for what you've made for us as it's something of legendary status. Cheers.
26 Oct 2015, 7:18am
26 Oct 2015, 11:24am
Hi there - I have one small suggestion for the Wing area (or maybe you can do it and I just can't work it out)... it would be nice on the right side info panel, where you can edit the wing info, to enter a minor faction allegiance.... to also have a small table where you can put the influence % of your minor faction, and maybe other minor factions in your HQ system.

26 Oct 2015, 12:11pm
NailerFR: Could we have a section to post racing events? Seems like racing is getting more popular. Seems like it would fit as a subsection within "Galaxy"

Hmmm... it will be probably good to include this type of events in planned Bulletin board feature. So they will make a way there...

Laynor Luna LagoonaHow about this "logbook" tab in the wing?
that would be cool if we could use it for the story of the wing

Section "History" in a wing is intended for this. But, if you will be having more continual text, wing related, please write it as a regular logbook and I will eventually add another logbook category there, which will assign each entry to wing history as well...

I am curious about some things though. The integration behind Xbox One's play of the game. I think it's been mentioned you've added something for it. Does it have to do with my location? Because my location keeps switching to wherever I am and I'm not changing it. Either it's something you've added or someone is messing with me, and I'm just looking for confirmation.

Also, is there something that keeps people from editing the prices on the market when a Community Goal is attached to the market? Or did someone erase the prices I set for Kaushpoos? I set them correctly the other night and the next morning everything was blank.

Hello, I am not very sure what is meant by Xbox One integration, but if I mentioned something like this (in one of the past updates, I think), it was rather meant that galaxy is now the same between Xbox/PC/Mac versions, etc. so all features like powerplay, market prices, shipyard information and so on are now the same for all platforms. Your location is set manually from your profile and also automatically from Market page, when you visit any star/station here. But, you can turn off these automatic updates in your Settings, so your location will stop changing (unless set manually in your profile, as mentioned).

I checked Kaushpoos market updates and there was three manual updates in last few days. Not sure if they were intentionally "blank" or not, as they were all overridden in 1-15minutes by valid market prices from EDDN. So if that happened, it was just a temporal state.

Dwardenso I got asked by several our friends if INARA can support/utilize the so called mobile API ?
so they not need setup lot of things manually into profiles, like ranks, assets, credits, etc.

Definitely not directly. As mobile API requires user's game credentials, it's problematic to access it (as I do not want to request user's credentials for obvious reasons). But, maybe it will be possible later with Inara API which can be accessed by any external app, which will act as "proxy" between Inara and Frontier's mobile API. It's still a workaround anyway, it will be great to get official Frontier's API for such kind of information finally...

MatzovHi there - I have one small suggestion for the Wing area (or maybe you can do it and I just can't work it out)... it would be nice on the right side info panel, where you can edit the wing info, to enter a minor faction allegiance.... to also have a small table where you can put the influence % of your minor faction, and maybe other minor factions in your HQ system.

Hello, I rather suggest to fill this kind of info to public/private "About" section of a wing, in any format you wish. As the minor faction can grow over time to different stations and star systems, it just complicates things and it require to make a "system" for it, rather than adding just few database cells.
26 Oct 2015, 12:59pm
Yes, i was expecting to be able to put more "post" for the history
26 Oct 2015, 3:09pm
why when i import flight logs are they only showing interdictions now?
26 Oct 2015, 3:13pm
Jim Beaumontwhy when i import flight logs are they only showing interdictions now?

That is because of the latest game update. Every time ED gets an update/patch the VerboseLogging's value in your AppConfig.xml gets reset to 0. You will have to go into that file and set the value to 1 for it to work again.
27 Oct 2015, 1:49am
Just saw that dudes' timezones show up in the selector for squad/flight assignments, and I wanted to say this owns and is good.
27 Oct 2015, 7:28am
ParamemeticJust saw that dudes' timezones show up in the selector for squad/flight assignments, and I wanted to say this owns and is good.

Artie is awesome for doing this
28 Oct 2015, 1:15am
You are welcome.
29 Oct 2015, 2:34pm
*tips his imaginary hat*

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