Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
28 Sep 2022, 8:20am
just a question, what does the Passenger on Board (Carrier) mean?
are those people that arrived without a ship (if that is even possible) since docked cmdr's are not counted as passengers ..
28 Sep 2022, 10:35am
Thanks for the extra feedbacks!
I have mentioned this before, but just to make it clear - the old version will be discontinued at some point, because I am very certain it won't be compatible with changes and improvements I have planned (mostly account-commander handling and their relation) and I won't be rewriting the old version for that (it's simply too much work that doesn't worth an effort, as old Inara is being used by less than 5% of users and the number is still dropping). But I will keep it live as long as possible.

SwingFishjust a question, what does the Passenger on Board (Carrier) mean?
are those people that arrived without a ship (if that is even possible) since docked cmdr's are not counted as passengers ..

Generally all people currently docked on your fleet carrier. Those being there for a while are listed by name, those docked just recently and may possibly leave again are there just as a number (for privacy reasons).

Kirky007Apparently the Hutton Hamsters have had some cheese and fixed the wadio...

Yeah, it was something on Hutton's end.
28 Sep 2022, 11:45am
V'larrI'd explore the thread history but there doesn't seem to be a search function, and with over 800 pages, I'm not sure where I would start.

The change came about at around page 824, I think. Happy reading!
28 Sep 2022, 7:13pm
V'larrI'd explore the thread history but there doesn't seem to be a search function, and with over 800 pages, I'm not sure where I would start.

The change came about at around page 824, I think. Happy reading!

I see, thank you. I read a few pages, and I agree with everything said by Cluster Fox on the subject.
29 Sep 2022, 1:31am
Something's up with the Community Goal tracker for the delivery part of the CG - it's only showing up through 11:59 9/26 on the graph for some reason. The numbers for contribution amount and percentages are up-to-date, however.
29 Sep 2022, 11:56am
V'larrSomething's up with the Community Goal tracker for the delivery part of the CG - it's only showing up through 11:59 9/26 on the graph for some reason. The numbers for contribution amount and percentages are up-to-date, however.

Hmmm... looks alright to me. Is it still happening and also, is it happening on other graphs (like minor faction influences)? It looks it may be just a display issue with the date displayed (it should use your local time zone there).
29 Sep 2022, 2:39pm
Hi Artie,

I have two ED accounts, one with/from Frontier, the other on/with Steam. Here on INARA they seem to be conflated. Since updating my steam account, some in-game data i.e fleet in hangar comes from steam, some from Frontier, any suggestions
29 Sep 2022, 10:01pm
Hi Artie, I'm sorry but the new layout is a complete pain to navigate on mobile for any sort of BGS work, specifically the star system layout. So many additional clicks needed now to view the information I'm looking for compared to the old layout where I could see faction ownership of individual starports at a glance where it was previously listed on the primary star system page. It feels much slower to the point where it's frustrating; the new layout requires multiple clicks & page loads; star system> new page load to stations>starport filter> clicking the + button to expand station...all this just to see which faction control which assets. The historical influence trend is much smaller and harder to see at a condensed size too.

I was using the old version of Inara as a workaround for this sort of work but favorited systems no longer carry over to the previous iteration of Inara now. Not sure if this been raised already but I just wanted to provide some feedback & raise this as a concern as one of your frequent users
30 Sep 2022, 4:34am
I'm sure this has been answered multiple times; I imported the loadout from Coriolis to the Target Loadout for the ship in the Inara Fleet / Ship section and it says "The ship loadout is unknown." so I figure it doesn't like it.

What tool should I use?
30 Sep 2022, 1:29pm
DescartesHi Artie,

I have two ED accounts, one with/from Frontier, the other on/with Steam. Here on INARA they seem to be conflated. Since updating my steam account, some in-game data i.e fleet in hangar comes from steam, some from Frontier, any suggestions

Hello, there is not technically possible to leak the data from one account into another, so it was either caused by the other game profile linked temporarily or some mixup on Frontier's end. Please double check a correct game account is being linked and you can remove the excessive ships, etc. afterwards. But if the correct game account is providing a data of your other game account from Frontier's server, please let me know. I will check what is coming in and it then can be elevated to Frontier's support.

D3mHi Artie, I'm sorry but the new layout is a complete pain to navigate on mobile for any sort of BGS work, specifically the star system layout. So many additional clicks needed now to view the information I'm looking for compared to the old layout where I could see faction ownership of individual starports at a glance where it was previously listed on the primary star system page. It feels much slower to the point where it's frustrating; the new layout requires multiple clicks & page loads; star system> new page load to stations>starport filter> clicking the + button to expand station...all this just to see which faction control which assets. The historical influence trend is much smaller and harder to see at a condensed size too.

Hello and thank you for the feedback! The narrow screen widths aren't exactly a best fit for large tables with many columns like this, so I need to collapse the columns by priority, etc. to fit everything in (or put the columns below the row when it won't compromise the table scannability too much). In this case I suggest to use your phone in landscape orientation to get more horizontal screen space or you can try to turn the desktop mode in your mobile browser on.

Happy DazeI'm sure this has been answered multiple times; I imported the loadout from Coriolis to the Target Loadout for the ship in the Inara Fleet / Ship section and it says "The ship loadout is unknown." so I figure it doesn't like it.

What tool should I use?

Until Coriolis will start to export loadout in SLEF format, it won't work. But you can import the data from EDSY, which supports it.
01 Oct 2022, 4:13pm
Can we please get another field added to Nearest search? Namely time since last market update.
Or maybe just "nearest stations with Pioneer supplies, not updated since last weekly tick" search.

Finding preengineered personal gear is right pain otherwise.
02 Oct 2022, 7:33am
Would it be posible to add an "updated" coloum to the search results for megaships.

As they sometimes move on a fixed route, it would be great if we could see when it was seen in that system.
Also System State can matter when searching, if that could be a paramater that would be cool.

No rush, great work as always and thank you !

These results are what I mean
02 Oct 2022, 6:16pm
I really need to turn off my auto-updates for BGS purposes.
I can not find how to do that now?
I have been searching for ages?
Thank you
02 Oct 2022, 7:01pm
RefundianCan we please get another field added to Nearest search? Namely time since last market update.
Or maybe just "nearest stations with Pioneer supplies, not updated since last weekly tick" search.

Finding preengineered personal gear is right pain otherwise.

I want to change the date displayed for personal gear to be the last station update, so I suppose that should help.

Would it be posible to add an "updated" coloum to the search results for megaships.

As they sometimes move on a fixed route, it would be great if we could see when it was seen in that system.
Also System State can matter when searching, if that could be a paramater that would be cool.

Yeah, I can take a look at that, it should be possible to make some exception there for it.

OrpheusI really need to turn off my auto-updates for BGS purposes.
I can not find how to do that now?
I have been searching for ages?
Thank you

If you are just testing some BGS stuff, please unlink your game account temporarily. If you are trying just to "hide" your actions and deliberately not to update some star systems, you can do the same (not that I support such behavior, though).
02 Oct 2022, 7:46pm
ArtieI want to change the date displayed for personal gear to be the last station update, so I suppose that should help.

Is it not possible to make it sortable by date?

Oddly, it seems Inara doesn't know the system Eol Prou IW-W e1-2926. It nonetheless exists.

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