Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
11 Dec 2015, 4:04pm
ArtieLaynor: Do you mean real e-mails or private messages there? I am not very inclined to the first, but the second - why not. As it can be done also manually now, it will be just saving some work with sending.

well, sending a private message is quite useless as i guess that an alert will be show on the wing tab.
the email was more for people which don't go on inara and wait that their application to enter to the wing is validated
11 Dec 2015, 8:41pm
by the  way i just noticed today that there's the number of post by member in the roster. thanks a lot, it's really helpful for manage my team
11 Dec 2015, 9:24pm
I just updated this page.. manually by taking pictures then inputting the numbers, as market connector didn't work.

but slaves weren't in my pictures... what should I do?
11 Dec 2015, 9:52pm
So with Horizions coming out next week. i was wondering if Artie had any plans in place to add in the planteray bases in the market page area? or any other horizion based changes?
11 Dec 2015, 9:55pm
I just updated this page.. manually by taking pictures then inputting the numbers, as market connector didn't work.

but slaves weren't in my pictures... what should I do?

Simply put zero to buy/sell price, it overrides generic prices for stations with manual inputs. I fixed it there already.

Laynor Luna Lagoona
well, sending a private message is quite useless as i guess that an alert will be show on the wing tab.
the email was more for people which don't go on inara and wait that their application to enter to the wing is validated

Not sure if it will make the difference. If they want to work in wing here on Inara, they need at least to check wing discussion/orders/etc. from time to time, so they can read the PM in CMDR profiles as well. Unless I am missing something.

PyrethedirtbagSo with Horizions coming out next week. i was wondering if Artie had any plans in place to add in the planteray bases in the market page area? or any other horizion based changes?

Yes, I have it prepared on local dev version already, so it will be there during Tuesday.
12 Dec 2015, 2:25am
I've noticed when I put a link to things like coriolis within the wing forum it is not active. Is there an option I have to enable?
12 Dec 2015, 2:59am
OzramI've noticed when I put a link to things like coriolis within the wing forum it is not active. Is there an option I have to enable?

yes there is .

just above the text window , 4th box 4th icon

you can even name them like your link
12 Dec 2015, 3:35am
12 Dec 2015, 3:50am
12 Dec 2015, 3:50am
Sidenti Taalo

Almost. You'll want the code to read like this (replace { with [ )


That will yield the following output:


if you dont enter it as ''code'' and use the insert button it first asks for the url (the link you are making) then it asks you to ''Enter the displayed text'' .
but you will see it as code in the text window before you post it
12 Dec 2015, 1:41pm
When "Discussion access control settings" will be released?
12 Dec 2015, 3:15pm

In my team we have some problem with the thread functionnality.

Actually, we have a Thread with a theme, and inside there's a lot of message.
but the variety of the discussion lead to many topic.

today we have this structure :
Section > message

So we are asking if it's possible to follow the same structure than a forum ?
just like that:
Section > Thread > Message

with the possibility for the wing commander to create the Section and put some thread as a post-it
and let all the other member to create sub-thread.

that's the oly problem we found on Inara which lead other member to go on a forum better than stay here.
12 Dec 2015, 5:24pm
Laynor Luna LagoonaWhen "Discussion access control settings" will be released?


Laynor Luna Lagoona
Actually, we have a Thread with a theme, and inside there's a lot of message.
but the variety of the discussion lead to many topic.

So create additional sub-thematic threads. I do not expect there should be problem with it for wing of your size, unless everyone is very prolific writer on different topics each day. It's about organization. In any case, I have threaded view (something like reddit has) on the list.
12 Dec 2015, 5:36pm
the problem is that i can't open and close a sub-thematic thread each time that a member want it.
it's not manageable. the charge of work  is over my capicity. And yes, in my team people is talking about something different and bring new idea almost everyday.
That's the point for asking to having an efficient structure like a forum.

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