Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
15 Dec 2015, 2:41pm
Very fast work and really impressed with quality, great job Artie.
15 Dec 2015, 2:45pm
A quick look at the shortcuts shows a minor oversight.
deleting all the entries correctly sets it to default , but there still needs to be an option (probably best within settings) not to show the shortcuts bar at all .
15 Dec 2015, 3:52pm
Thanks, guys

GreeboskiA quick look at the shortcuts shows a minor oversight.
deleting all the entries correctly sets it to default , but there still needs to be an option (probably best within settings) not to show the shortcuts bar at all .

Ah, yes, it's fixed now.
15 Dec 2015, 3:54pm
Awesome updates... many, many thanks!
15 Dec 2015, 4:12pm
Great Updates Artie you just might make me a supporter yet
15 Dec 2015, 5:22pm
Hello Artie,

i'm not understanding this point :
Added threads for roleplay and introductions in general discussion

is it because we have already this 2 thread since very long time in my wing?
is it something for people who create a new wing from now on?
15 Dec 2015, 5:53pm
Nope, it is meant for Inara discussion, as it was a good idea proposed here a few days ago. I will change the wording in announcement...
16 Dec 2015, 2:33am
Hey guys, just wanted to point out a little bit of outdated info that seems to have escaped attention. This is like, REALLY minor, but in the powers page of Arissa Lavigny-Duval, under her quote, it still says she's Senator...I just wanted to point that out.
16 Dec 2015, 9:35am
It seems, that there is a littel "security-Glitch".

Normaly, internal Posts in WINGs are not readable.

At the Moment i can read them in any other Wing.

Normaly looked like this: ====$!""/U/$Z"!
Now, at the Moment, you can read it clearly....
16 Dec 2015, 11:05am
FateHackZero: Aha, it needs to be updated, indeed.
Juniper: Thank you for report, it's fixed now.
16 Dec 2015, 12:30pm
Note about ships availability lists in Shipyard/Outfitting - it seems that 1.5/Horizons changed ships offer in stations completely, especially Fer de Lance now seems to be pretty rare. Let's see if it will be changed in some of the future patches, meanwhile please take these lists with discretion.
16 Dec 2015, 1:00pm
I imagine I am being a bit dense... but why, in the market screen, are some stations to trade with listed in green, some in blue, some in white?
16 Dec 2015, 1:08pm
Green stations belongs to major factions you have a positive reputation with (and these in opposite becomes red if the reputation is negative). Blue stations are these that belongs to your preferred power (powerplay faction).
16 Dec 2015, 3:58pm
many thanks!
16 Dec 2015, 5:39pm

Because of the new shortcut toolbar, the logo of the wing is not vertically centered anymore

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