Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
19 Dec 2015, 3:26pm
StiffhangerGreetings ya all,

I miss the 'nearest black market' entry in the market section. Is it gone?

Check all the way at the bottom on the lower right-hand corner. It was there for me anyway! :-)
19 Dec 2015, 5:54pm
GreeboskiArti , when setting a colour to a thread the left hand side ''short list'' remains unchanged as the default grey.
would it be possible to have them indicate the thread colour ? obviously the text would need adjustment to read some colours


Also, there are other minor improvements: it's now possible in wing settings to hide HQ location/faction for anyone except members, filters were added to wings list, dead wings (90 days of inactivity of any member) are now hidden from the list and will be eventually disbanded.

just a follow up bug .... the number for unread posts is now off the edge of the visible area
19 Dec 2015, 6:50pm
Laynor Luna LagoonaHi there,

is there a way we could share a thread which gather only members of the wing itself and its alliances?
a such tool would be really awesome!

Not yet. As there different wings may have different allies, there will be probably needed to have a "roof" above it (named coalition). But, each wing "ambassadors" may stay in connection and negotiate stuff via multi-recipient PM.

just a follow up bug .... the number for unread posts is now off the edge of the visible area

Ah! Fixed
20 Dec 2015, 8:22am
You can add xihe to the list os stations where the federal corvette is available
20 Dec 2015, 5:01pm
GreeboskiArti , when setting a colour to a thread the left hand side ''short list'' remains unchanged as the default grey.
would it be possible to have them indicate the thread colour ? obviously the text would need adjustment to read some colours


Also, there are other minor improvements: it's now possible in wing settings to hide HQ location/faction for anyone except members, filters were added to wings list, dead wings (90 days of inactivity of any member) are now hidden from the list and will be eventually disbanded.

TuurinDoes anyone know why when I put in my ships rebuy/insurance cost it says its calculated value is too low and just resets it to the basic ship price? I try putting it in everyday and it just will not accept it lol.

Interesting, I will take a look - what is your rebuy cost in game, your ship value in game and what type of ship it is?

Same problem. Got a 60k value Sidewinder. Says it's too low and defaults to base value (32k).

EDIT: Oh right, insurance is 3,044. Standard.

Last edit: 20 Dec 2015, 5:11pm
20 Dec 2015, 5:07pm
Nathan: Thank you for info, you can also edit the shipyard on the station page in Market.

Reverie: What is your rebuy cost and insurance type, please?
20 Dec 2015, 5:50pm
The new post button seems to be broken in chrome (unless I'm somehow the only one to experience this?)

The HTML is

<img src="//images/move.png" class="movableicon"> which is resolving as http://images/move.png on my client.
21 Dec 2015, 1:03am
@ Artie

My rebuy cost in game is:1,076,438
Ship value according to Coriolis is: 21,570,770
Ship is Vulture

When I go to put the insurance in it just sets it to default every time and says "Ship insurance/value seems to be too low, using default value."
But I am noticing some differences in what shows my insurance at and what in game shows it at, but I just double checked and the parts are all the same.
Coriolis Insurance: 1,078,539
In game:1,076,438.

But it has reset the value on my ship to default on here ever since I first signed up a week or so ago....
21 Dec 2015, 2:07am
Reverie, Tuurin: Ah, there was the issue probably - I expect you entered the rebuy cost including commas, right? So it's fixed, there is better filter now and it should be working as expected.

ReykurThe new post button seems to be broken in chrome (unless I'm somehow the only one to experience this?)

Actually, it was wrong path to icon handle for moving threads in the list. It's fixed now, thank you for report.
21 Dec 2015, 10:23am
@ Artie

Awesome work. Its working perfectly now. I never did try to enter it in without the commas. Thanks! o7
21 Dec 2015, 11:17am
Tuurin: You are welcome

Just a note for everybody: Frontier kicked in their Companion API an hour ago, so price/shipyard/outfitting updates via EDDN should be coming to Inara again.
21 Dec 2015, 5:53pm
Artieprice/shipyard/outfitting updates via EDDN should be coming to Inara again.

Thats great news!

I also noted the Ly distances in Galnet Weekly, thanks for that, its nice to know if somethings going down locally

And have another feature request I noticed that coriolis ship editor exports power setup as well (priority,enabled/disabled) If that could find its way onto the CMDR Fleet pages that would be cool to see the priority and enabled state of the components of either my own or other commanders ship builds.

Thanks for keeping up the good work, you're a star!
22 Dec 2015, 2:53pm
Not sure if this has been reported or not, but it seems the outfitting section is missing the auto-field maintenance units and their locations.
22 Dec 2015, 3:29pm
And have another feature request I noticed that coriolis ship editor exports power setup as well (priority,enabled/disabled) If that could find its way onto the CMDR Fleet pages that would be cool to see the priority and enabled state of the components of either my own or other commanders ship builds.

If it is exported, it should be possible. I will add it to my ToDo list.

Nebulak_Not sure if this has been reported or not, but it seems the outfitting section is missing the auto-field maintenance units and their locations.

Thank you for report, there was a typo in definitions so it wasn't displayed. It is back there.
22 Dec 2015, 5:10pm
I really hope you consider adding rare goods trading support. Elite Rare Trader hasn't been updated in months (7-8 months). It's a nice site, but it doesn't use EDDN, so it's not up to date on things such as black markets and stations that have stopped trading rares (such as Epsilon Indi). It also does nothing to generate optimized routes (such as using TSP, as seen in the EDTS utility). In other words, it's a great start, had some real potential, but the creator has moved on and left it there.

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