Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
30 Dec 2015, 11:10pm
Jack DekerdtHappy Holidays, Artie.

I was curious if there is a way to track pilot hours based on the flight logs and/or by pilot choice? Is that something that can be calculated based on the netlog or something we can have on our CMDR Log? If it can't be tracked, maybe we can manually enter a starting number of hours and then add to it per session? Sort of a drop down like when we are entering rank or credits or something...just a little 1-10 or so "hours this session" and it would display somewhere on our overview page?

Thanks for all you do!

Not sure you saw this all the discussion traffic, thanks.
31 Dec 2015, 12:56am
As a feature request, would a comment system on logbooks be doable? I think that would be fun.
31 Dec 2015, 3:40am
Wouldn't it feel like writing in the margins of someone else's diary, though? Just a thought.
31 Dec 2015, 3:43am
I am okay with that.
31 Dec 2015, 4:09am
KurotamaWouldn't it feel like writing in the margins of someone else's diary, though? Just a thought.

I'm not sure. I always felt like logs were publicly accessible through Galnet. People read them and respond to them through a PM to me so I thought it would be nice if replies could be public too.
31 Dec 2015, 5:18am
I wouldn't mind that, actually.
31 Dec 2015, 5:49am
That does sound like it would be interesting. As long as we could moderate them, of course.
31 Dec 2015, 5:54am
Nova Cassidy
KurotamaWouldn't it feel like writing in the margins of someone else's diary, though? Just a thought.

I'm not sure. I always felt like logs were publicly accessible through Galnet. People read them and respond to them through a PM to me so I thought it would be nice if replies could be public too.

Likewise here. I would see it like those comments in the old (no idea if they're in the newer ones too) SHADOWRUN sourcebooks.
31 Dec 2015, 7:01am
CORAGAN! I LOVE YOU! Shadowrun is AWESOME! I run a tabletop campaign for my wife and two of our friends. Shadowrun rocks.:D
31 Dec 2015, 7:13am
SelizarCORAGAN! I LOVE YOU! Shadowrun is AWESOME! I run a tabletop campaign for my wife and two of our friends. Shadowrun rocks.

Alright Chummer ! Glad to see it's still alive out there somewhere And it's Coragon please. Coragan makes me sound like some sort of pill O.o
31 Dec 2015, 7:39am
Oh, snap. My bad. I was typing that while trying not to slam in to a star fresh off a hyper jump. Haha. My bad.
31 Dec 2015, 12:47pm
Mr McHattyHey Artie, I noticed earlier that when I tried entering a custom credit goal that nothing changed. Just figured I should let ya know.

Hmmm.... it seems to be working fine for me. Do you can send me a screenshot or copy&paste of your Estimated credit balance, please? Also, which amount you entered there?

Jack DekerdtHappy Holidays, Artie.

I was curious if there is a way to track pilot hours based on the flight logs and/or by pilot choice? Is that something that can be calculated based on the netlog or something we can have on our CMDR Log? If it can't be tracked, maybe we can manually enter a starting number of hours and then add to it per session? Sort of a drop down like when we are entering rank or credits or something...just a little 1-10 or so "hours this session" and it would display somewhere on our overview page?

Thanks for all you do!

It's easy to do (session duration from flight logs), I will add it there. I am just not sure how it will correspond with the overall number of hours played (if the game counts just "real" hours played or including time spent in menu like Steam does). But let's start with this and I will eventually add optional field to credits, too (it will be better for credits/hour tracking and may be also used for overall time spent statistics). Happy holidays to you too!

Nova CassidyAs a feature request, would a comment system on logbooks be doable? I think that would be fun.

I was thinking about it earlier, but I am not still sure about it. As logbooks are pretty popular and are read by many people, not so many are hitting a "Shiny!" and I am afraid even less will be leaving a comment. Which may look demotivating for logbook authors. It will also spread comments between all logbook entries, so maybe some overall comments section for all entries of selected author will be a better solution, it can also serve as some kind of "guest book" for whole profile. I will think about it.
31 Dec 2015, 1:10pm
Nova CassidyAs a feature request, would a comment system on logbooks be doable? I think that would be fun.

I was thinking about it earlier, but I am not still sure about it. As logbooks are pretty popular and are read by many people, not so many are hitting a "Shiny!" and I am afraid even less will be leaving a comment. Which may look demotivating for logbook authors. It will also spread comments between all logbook entries, so maybe some overall comments section for all entries of selected author will be a better solution, it can also serve as some kind of "guest book" for whole profile. I will think about it.

I'd like this feature better. Concerning getting a "shiny" or a "comment"... Is that why people write logbooks and take screenshots?
I hit the "Shiny" button when I remember it.
But usually I just read and feel warm and fuzzy inside from the adventures people are having before throwing myself into the ED Universe again myself.
This without taking the time to write a private message to the author. This regardless if I read their logbook or something else they've written here on Inara.

I would prefer a better name for it than "Guestbook" though. Not that I'm bright enough to figure one out myself here and now.
31 Dec 2015, 4:04pm
James Wolfheart
Nova CassidyAs a feature request, would a comment system on logbooks be doable? I think that would be fun.

I was thinking about it earlier, but I am not still sure about it. As logbooks are pretty popular and are read by many people, not so many are hitting a "Shiny!" and I am afraid even less will be leaving a comment. Which may look demotivating for logbook authors. It will also spread comments between all logbook entries, so maybe some overall comments section for all entries of selected author will be a better solution, it can also serve as some kind of "guest book" for whole profile. I will think about it.

I'd like this feature better. Concerning getting a "shiny" or a "comment"... Is that why people write logbooks and take screenshots? [...]

A little bit, yeah. #ego
31 Dec 2015, 4:54pm
So, unless I'm missing something it seems that the market data, including your current commander location is something we have to update by hand, or by importing a CSV extract from EDMC.

Are there any plans to include a hook-in to the APIs that tools such as ETN and EDDB use so that this data population can be automated at all? Or, in fact, is this even possible in any way?

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