Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
24 Dec 2022, 3:31am
I noticed this evening that the game data import does not provide the updated material count. I am on PC and Odyssey. It has always worked before. Has anyone run into this issue?
24 Dec 2022, 7:04am
V'larrWhen searching for Nearest Compromised Nav Beacon, I'd like a column in the results included displaying the system's controlling faction.

I can add it there, I guess. Is there any particular reason why to have it there?

For wanting to use combat at a CNB to raise minor faction reputation gain. In my case, I've gotten allied with a few local minor factions already and so fighting at local CNBs doesn't accomplish as much where they control the system - I may as well look for systems controlled by factions I'm not yet allied with, y'know?

Just convenience's sake, and it appears to me as though there's more than enough room in the results table for it.
24 Dec 2022, 12:49pm
Hey friends,

Sometimes I can't star-rate anything, like logbooks or gallery pictures. Even though I'm logged in, there's no option to star it up, rather it's a 'Do you like it?'. It's kind of frustrating because there's some real good stuff deserving a thumbs-up!

What am I doing wrong?

24 Dec 2022, 1:03pm
FEY SKYHi, is there anything that I need to do specifically to get the Thargoid kill count to update? I've done all the usual things I use ED Market Connector and ive tried to force update it

Hello, you just need to import your data via "Import game data" button on your CMDR page. Just be aware that due to Frontier's bug not all Thargoid kills may be present, unless killed in Solo.

Ikeman-mrk5I noticed this evening that the game data import does not provide the updated material count. I am on PC and Odyssey. It has always worked before. Has anyone run into this issue?

It seems your OAuth session expired, so the latest import is two days old. Just hop into the game and click the "Import game data" button on your CMDR page to re-auth/import latest stuff.

For wanting to use combat at a CNB to raise minor faction reputation gain. In my case, I've gotten allied with a few local minor factions already and so fighting at local CNBs doesn't accomplish as much where they control the system - I may as well look for systems controlled by factions I'm not yet allied with, y'know?

Just convenience's sake, and it appears to me as though there's more than enough room in the results table for it.

Thanks for the clarification.

EekaHey friends,

Sometimes I can't star-rate anything, like logbooks or gallery pictures. Even though I'm logged in, there's no option to star it up, rather it's a 'Do you like it?'. It's kind of frustrating because there's some real good stuff deserving a thumbs-up!

What am I doing wrong?


Hello, it's almost certainly caused by some ad-block plugin in your browser, somebody met with this problem earlier, so please check that.
24 Dec 2022, 2:06pm
ArtieHello, it's almost certainly caused by some ad-block plugin in your browser, somebody met with this problem earlier, so please check that.

Thanks for the insight Artie!

I also want to thank you for keeping this amazing platform alive and amazing as it is! I'd probably have already quit playing ED if I was unable to create all the roleplay Inara allows me to.

I wish you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas and a lot of great things to come for the next year!

26 Dec 2022, 12:50am
I supported inara on Patreon to get the support badge but so far it hasn’t lit up. Is there possibly a step I missed or is it a bug? Thank you for your time.
26 Dec 2022, 1:30am
YRDIUGI supported inara on Patreon to get the support badge but so far it hasn’t lit up. Is there possibly a step I missed or is it a bug? Thank you for your time.

Thank you very much! I am doing the account pairing on the first pledge manually and as I was visiting family over Christmas, it took a while. It has been set on your account right now.

Thanks for the insight Artie!

I also want to thank you for keeping this amazing platform alive and amazing as it is! I'd probably have already quit playing ED if I was unable to create all the roleplay Inara allows me to.

I wish you and your loved ones a very happy Christmas and a lot of great things to come for the next year!

Thanks and merry Christmas to you, too!
26 Dec 2022, 7:01pm
EekaHey friends,

Sometimes I can't star-rate anything, like logbooks or gallery pictures. Even though I'm logged in, there's no option to star it up, rather it's a 'Do you like it?'. It's kind of frustrating because there's some real good stuff deserving a thumbs-up!

What am I doing wrong?


Do you use Edge browser with an adblocker ? If yes, disable adblocker for Inara and try again
27 Dec 2022, 7:05am
is there a reason why mission log, does show rep and influence, but not the payout?
28 Dec 2022, 9:36am
Hi Artie
Sorting of tables in other languages than english is still wrong.
E.g. TOTAL SUPPORTING RESIDENTS table in faction reports if you sort by assets
28 Dec 2022, 1:20pm
I assume these will be of use Artie:
{ "Name":"$hpt_atdumbfiremissile_fixed_medium_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Missile Rack", "StorageSlot":64, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":664496, "Hot":false }
{ "Name":"$hpt_atdumbfiremissile_fixed_large_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Missile Rack", "StorageSlot":67, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":1661240, "Hot":false }

{ "Name":"$hpt_atdumbfiremissile_turret_medium_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Missile Rack", "StorageSlot":71, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":2599629, "Hot":false }
{ "Name":"$hpt_atdumbfiremissile_turret_large_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Missile Rack", "StorageSlot":73, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":5213846, "Hot":false }

{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_fixed_medium_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":55, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":443701, "Hot":false }
{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_fixed_large_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":66, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":1326314, "Hot":false }

{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_gimbal_medium_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":48, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":1167703, "Hot":false }
{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_gimbal_large_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":69, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":2330699, "Hot":false }

{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_gimbal_medium_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":65, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":1167703, "Hot":false }
{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_gimbal_large_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":44, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":2330699, "Hot":false }

{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_turret_medium_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":68, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":2138465, "Hot":false }
{ "Name":"$hpt_atmulticannon_turret_large_v2_name;", "Name_Localised":"Enhanced AX Multi-Cannon", "StorageSlot":72, "StarSystem":"Enayex", "MarketID":129020287, "TransferCost":0, "TransferTime":0, "BuyPrice":4473992, "Hot":false }

These should be the base prices as I don't think there is any discount active in Enayex system.
If you need any more data or information just ask!

(There is Hudson's exploit bonus active in Blest and it's the only place where you can buy Enhanced AX weapons at -10% discount)

Last edit: 28 Dec 2022, 1:39pm
29 Dec 2022, 8:06am
So I've been searching around the site, and I mistakenly uploaded a gallery photo that a $#@% MS tool had modified on save and now it has this awful white borders. I'd like to delete/overwrite it but I gather this is not possible? If not, fine; if it is, please let me know! Thanks for any information!

EDIT: Nevermind, found the button; all is well. Sorry to interrupt.
29 Dec 2022, 1:44pm
I did not see anything related to this request when I ran a cursory search. Can you expand the trade route option to 500ly? When you load up a fleet carrier an 80 ly max jump is kind of anti-climactic. Thanks for the replies in advance. I have no idea how difficult this request would be to fulfill.
29 Dec 2022, 2:07pm
BelrialI did not see anything related to this request when I ran a cursory search. Can you expand the trade route option to 500ly? When you load up a fleet carrier an 80 ly max jump is kind of anti-climactic. Thanks for the replies in advance. I have no idea how difficult this request would be to fulfill.

For this you better just look for a specific commodity and sort by best price for buy and then separately for sell.
Analyzing all the markets in that big range would take a lot of processing power, something I'm myself trying to writing a tool for that relies on eddb data dumps.
29 Dec 2022, 2:12pm
BelrialI did not see anything related to this request when I ran a cursory search. Can you expand the trade route option to 500ly? When you load up a fleet carrier an 80 ly max jump is kind of anti-climactic. Thanks for the replies in advance. I have no idea how difficult this request would be to fulfill.

Nope, as it is quite expensive to calculate. But as in this case the range basically doesn't matter, simply visit the commodities page, sort by max profit and then pick any suitable stations you like for lowest buy/highest sell of the chosen commodity.

Jack'lulI assume these will be of use Artie:

These should be the base prices as I don't think there is any discount active in Enayex system.
If you need any more data or information just ask!

(There is Hudson's exploit bonus active in Blest and it's the only place where you can buy Enhanced AX weapons at -10% discount)

Thanks! The new modules are in already, but I still need to update their prices, so this is helpful.

Floyd 09Hi Artie
Sorting of tables in other languages than english is still wrong.
E.g. TOTAL SUPPORTING RESIDENTS table in faction reports if you sort by assets

Thank you, I will fix that.

SwingFishis there a reason why mission log, does show rep and influence, but not the payout?

The influences are a subject of interest for guys involved in BGS. It seems nobody care much about the payout, so I didn't bother.

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