Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
18 Jul 2015, 8:29pm
I must say this is an impressive website.  Unfortunately the only thing it really lacks is the one thing I use the most-- trade route planning.  If you could integrate an interface like Thrudd's and route seeking like Elite Trade Net this would be spectacular.

Last edit: 18 Jul 2015, 8:36pm
18 Jul 2015, 9:00pm
SmurfprimeI must say this is an impressive website.  Unfortunately the only thing it really lacks is the one thing I use the most-- trade route planning.  If you could integrate an interface like Thrudd's and route seeking like Elite Trade Net this would be spectacular.

it's in the pipeline... in the meantime, as an aimless, I'm sure you can work with Thrudds  

I use and contribute over on that site and have a Deadly ranking
18 Jul 2015, 11:10pm
McCaffreyJust a thought, when you create a Wing, the allegiances are just the three major factions. What about Mercenaries? My group doesn't have an allegiance to any one power.

Wouldn't you just choose the "any" options?
19 Jul 2015, 4:21am

it's in the pipeline... in the meantime, as an aimless, I'm sure you can work with Thrudds  

I use and contribute over on that site and have a Deadly ranking

I just did not bother filling in my achievements
I am also deadly on Thrudd's a few times over, it has a good interface, but the main shortfall of Thrudd's is you cannot set it to create a string of trades along a path from point A to B, unless you do it manually.
19 Jul 2015, 6:17am
Heavensburn Wouldn't you just choose the "any" options?

I think the Independent and Any should be separate options. An independent system may have a gripe against any or all of the major power, hence why they are independent
19 Jul 2015, 7:31am

What are the max allowed dimensions for the Wing Icons?
19 Jul 2015, 7:57am

it's in the pipeline... in the meantime, as an aimless, I'm sure you can work with Thrudds  

I use and contribute over on that site and have a Deadly ranking

I just did not bother filling in my achievements
I am also deadly on Thrudd's a few times over, it has a good interface, but the main shortfall of Thrudd's is you cannot set it to create a string of trades along a path from point A to B, unless you do it manually.

I bluffed mine... I'm really a aimless

On a more serious note... would be able to fulfill the brief ?.... nice edit by the way
19 Jul 2015, 9:14am

i'm currently at Parutis / Teng-hui Hub.
Updated prices with ED Market Connector and saw that personal weapons are shown at your market page as prohibited. So i checked the owner type of the station and changed it from communism to dictatorship. (that's what it currently is) and thought, it's all good. But it hasn't updated. Despite i can officially sell personal weapons there. The same goes for drugs and tobacco.
Greetings BD
19 Jul 2015, 9:56am
BD: Actually, prohibited goods are dictated by whole star system allegiance/government (unless something changed in the game). So if do you set proper government for Parutis (dictatorship, too?) it should show prohibited goods correctly. If not, please let me know.

VeyderQuestion: What are the max allowed dimensions for the Wing Icons?

Max size is 500x150 pixels.

McCaffreyJust a thought, when you create a Wing, the allegiances are just the three major factions. What about Mercenaries? My group doesn't have an allegiance to any one power.

As mentioned here, Independent / any is the option. It can be taken also as Mercenaries, it's just semantics.

SmurfprimeI must say this is an impressive website.  Unfortunately the only thing it really lacks is the one thing I use the most-- trade route planning.  If you could integrate an interface like Thrudd's and route seeking like Elite Trade Net this would be spectacular.

Some market improvements in this direction are planned definitely. I just cannot tell when it will be, there are more prioritized things now...
19 Jul 2015, 5:30pm
I would also argue that Independent and Mercenary are not necessarily the same thing. You could have a group that just works independently, whereas a Merc group works for hire and to the highest bidder. Very different approaches & outcomes.

Lase Mooray
Heavensburn Wouldn't you just choose the "any" options?

I think the Independent and Any should be separate options. An independent system may have a gripe against any or all of the major power, hence why they are independent
19 Jul 2015, 5:33pm
any power, any allegiance thats all.
19 Jul 2015, 5:38pm
Well, it can be always specified in wing description - bounty hunters, mercenaries, independent security service, etc. Allegiance settings reflects major factions and I will rather do not want to mess it up with additional options, as it may be somehow linked in the future.
19 Jul 2015, 5:41pm
@Artie: i'll have a look at it. At Parutis it's actually also a dicatorship as system goverment. But i think i've seen other systems, where the goverment is not a dictatorship and prohibits some goods e.g. slaves and you get a "illegal cargo" warning in hyperspace but arriving at a station under a dictatorship inside this station, everything is fine and you can also be scanned by their security vessels. (at such a station there is no "illegal cargo" anymore. Sorry, but i don't know where it was..

PS: ok, found it: see Teaka / Valdes Dock
i updated all data to the current situation. It's a democracy federation system, but Valdes dock is a dictatorship faction owned station. That really allows selling imperial slaves there.

Last edit: 19 Jul 2015, 5:47pm
19 Jul 2015, 5:47pm
ArtieWell, it can be always specified in wing description - bounty hunters, mercenaries, independent security service, etc. Allegiance settings reflects major factions and I will rather do not want to mess it up with additional options, as it may be somehow linked in the future.

Understood, Artie. Thanks for the consideration.
19 Jul 2015, 6:42pm
SmurfprimeI must say this is an impressive website.  Unfortunately the only thing it really lacks is the one thing I use the most-- trade route planning.  If you could integrate an interface like Thrudd's and route seeking like Elite Trade Net this would be spectacular.

Some market improvements in this direction are planned definitely. I just cannot tell when it will be, there are more prioritized things now...

That is fine. I really like your site so far and I am trying to provide some feedback and ideas to help improve it, not trying to be pushy.

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