Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
25 Nov 2017, 12:10am
ArtieJust a note - I had few busy days and I was solving just most pressing matters "on the background" here, so I will respond to your posts during the weekend. Just to clarify that nothing is ignored.
Thanks Artie!

Hope you weren't overworking yourself in the meantime o7
25 Nov 2017, 9:24am
Is Inara trolling me or is there some update i need to do to fix what I see? According to the Engineers section I have 35 Modified Consumer Firmware. When I launch my ship, I have 0. Ive tried my settings and trying to update logs and such but nothing works, Any thoughts on this are appreciated.
25 Nov 2017, 3:34pm
I published a logbook entry "Letter of Introduction" last night (Today GMT) and wonder it does not appear on the news page.

My previous post "That's not nice" published "Yesterday" does appear on the news page. Both are finished public.

I tried logging off to see if there was some difference because it was my post. It still did not appear. The only difference I noticed on the news page was my commander name was now present on my previous entry. Selecting the previous entry allowed me to read it and then select the new one from the latest entries on the right and read it.

Is there something I am not aware of in how the logbook entries on the news page are selected?
25 Nov 2017, 3:48pm
Greybeard LXII published a logbook entry "Letter of Introduction" last night (Today GMT) and wonder it does not appear on the news page.

My previous post "That's not nice" published "Yesterday" does appear on the news page. Both are finished public.

I tried logging off to see if there was some difference because it was my post. It still did not appear. The only difference I noticed on the news page was my commander name was now present on my previous entry. Selecting the previous entry allowed me to read it and then select the new one from the latest entries on the right and read it.

Is there something I am not aware of in how the logbook entries on the news page are selected?

I actually asked about this not long ago via Discord.

There is a minimum character limit on the entries that make it there. Just to prevent simple "Hi there, stopped at Betelguese today, it's huge" posts filling up the section and knocking entries from more 'serious' (air quotes) writers off the page.

I believe the limit was something in the region of 1000 characters.

On a side note Artie, perhaps it might be worth putting a note on the appropriate screen to inform people of the limit? Or even a pop up if someone attempts to post something below the limit. Just a thought of course.
25 Nov 2017, 8:51pm

There is a minimum character limit on the entries that make it there. Just to prevent simple "Hi there, stopped at Betelguese today, it's huge" posts filling up the section and knocking entries from more 'serious' (air quotes) writers off the page.

I believe the limit was something in the region of 1000 characters.

On a side note Artie, perhaps it might be worth putting a note on the appropriate screen to inform people of the limit? Or even a pop up if someone attempts to post something below the limit. Just a thought of course.

That sounds like it. The post was 931 characters, including title.


Now, do I want to pad the post another 70 some characters?

Probably not.
27 Nov 2017, 12:31pm
Hey Artie,

Don't know if its been mentioned, but when importing Journals, if you have more than one Commander, it is not differentiating between them by Cmdr Name.

Ends up importing info for the Second commander into this commanders info. Which in turn tosses some wrenches into Credits/Assets and ships and such.
27 Nov 2017, 4:31pm
Andy GrahamHi Artie, fantastic site.
Is it possible or will it be possible to email a player wing as a whole on Inara? I am Deputy Wing Co of The Fatherhood and would love the ability to get a message to all Wing members in one go.

I do not want to hook this to the PMs as it may easily turn to mass scale discussion with large wings and the PMs aren't very suitable for it (technically and also by principle). But, I want to add a notification system to the wings, which should serve this purpose (alert wing members about something, which will be also displayed in their inbox).

Tisiphone MoreauI've been playing around with the Inara API and Elite: Dangerous Market Connector and it's really great! I know a lot of people have been asking for this kind of functionality for a long time.

One thing I've noticed is that the 'Fleet' ship names get overwritten even after I've manually set the ship names. In some cases the actual ship name is longer than the character limits in the game, so in-game I might only have one or two words while on Inara there's the longer (and better, in my opinion!) name that keeps getting changed.

Is it possible to somehow flag the ship names so that they won't be overwritten by the API if they've been manually edited to something else?

Yes, the ship names are overwritten by the names as are in the game (there is just an exception for different upper/lower cases), to keep things consistent. For the consistency, I am not very willing to change that as it adds just extra work, extra checks and extra mess for things (names) that should be the same by principle.

Our wing operations officer (Derge) was sending out a personal message to each of our members and received the 'Mass site leeching' message and now has his account locked. How can this be resolved as he was conducting wing business? Regards

He apparently used some script for that and spammed the site with it, but the lock was just temporal for a limited time.

Luke3107Artie, just a small issue with using the website on mobile.
When viewing fleet pages, the site will not register a swipe while attempting to scroll if the finger is touching a ship image. It will allow you to tap the image to open it up, but in order to scroll you must swipe around the displays.
This is barely noticeable when viewing small fleets, however on larger ones (like mine for example) it is possible to fill your screen with ships, leaving you effectively trapped on the screen without zooming in to use one of the borders as a scroll bar.

Yep, I am aware of that. It is colliding with the ship re-ordering on the fleet page. I have it on my "to-fix" list. But thanks for the report for sure.

Greno ZeeHey Artie,
Since the topic of Flights came up on the last page, I wondered: would it be possible to loosen up the restrictions a bit?
Like allowing anyone equal and above Flight Leader to lead a Flight and allowing anyone to be a member of a flight.

Like in a bad movie, where a general jumps to the airplane to save the whole nation but for that instance he's still under command of the Wing Leader

Exactly for these cases I am avoiding that. But I have something like "ad-hoc" structure like "task force" for wings on my mind, which may allow that.

ROD CRESTWOODQuestion: I just imported my ship data from Corliolis but my module value isn't transferring over properly.
Am I doing something wrong? I don't remember having to manually import / calculate my module value.

Inara is showing me ~ $220 mil short of what I have.

The config import from Coriolis imports just the config, nothing else (and it will be further changed in the future that it will import just some config "template", as the ship configuration will be imported from the journals or via inAPI).

Andy GrahamArtie,
Please advise if it is possible to export a Wing Roster from Inara into another application?
I am looking to manage our wing organisation and we currently do this using Platform, Time Zone and Primary Role.

Not at this moment, but I would like to add this to inAPI. I can try to make the wing roster at least more copy&paste friendly meanwhile (I need to change how are members in the roster edited anyway).
27 Nov 2017, 4:41pm
Serge AlpenmilchThanks for your answers about the Logo in the Faction overview.
But I have put the Factions
Likedeeler of Michel
Likedeeler of Colonia
into the supported area of the Edit Wing Section sometime before.
The Logo will not show up. Get I something wrong?

Nothing wrong. The logo is currently used just for the primary minor faction set, but I may eventually change that for wings that are having two primary factions. Adding to the list.

Juniper Nomi'TarHi Artie,
I Just realised that the worth of stored Modules is not added to the the assets.

To Show this:
I have 4,176,405,875 Cr in Ships an stored modules.

My current credits are 1,004,900,349 Cr
Total Assets (Credits + Assets) are only 4,776,028,499 Cr

Worth of stored Modules is 405,074,510 Cr
And this is exactly the amount of Credits that are missing in the totals assets!

It should be 5,181,306,224 Cr

Thank you for the report, I will check where the problem is and if I didn't broke something during the latest changes.

GrievousharmIs Inara trolling me or is there some update i need to do to fix what I see? According to the Engineers section I have 35 Modified Consumer Firmware. When I launch my ship, I have 0. Ive tried my settings and trying to update logs and such but nothing works, Any thoughts on this are appreciated.

Well, as I see in the logs, you tried to import the old netlog files, not the actual journal files (and this should be also shown in the error thrown during the file import). Please import these and I expect it should be alright.

Greybeard LXII published a logbook entry "Letter of Introduction" last night (Today GMT) and wonder it does not appear on the news page.
My previous post "That's not nice" published "Yesterday" does appear on the news page. Both are finished public.

I tried logging off to see if there was some difference because it was my post. It still did not appear. The only difference I noticed on the news page was my commander name was now present on my previous entry. Selecting the previous entry allowed me to read it and then select the new one from the latest entries on the right and read it.

Is there something I am not aware of in how the logbook entries on the news page are selected?

I actually asked about this not long ago via Discord.

There is a minimum character limit on the entries that make it there. Just to prevent simple "Hi there, stopped at Betelguese today, it's huge" posts filling up the section and knocking entries from more 'serious' (air quotes) writers off the page.

I believe the limit was something in the region of 1000 characters.

On a side note Artie, perhaps it might be worth putting a note on the appropriate screen to inform people of the limit? Or even a pop up if someone attempts to post something below the limit. Just a thought of course.

This "limit" is mentioned in the logbooks edit, but... well, nobody reads helps and remarks, so I should probably make it more prominent somehow.

LoriathHey Artie,
Don't know if its been mentioned, but when importing Journals, if you have more than one Commander, it is not differentiating between them by Cmdr Name.
Ends up importing info for the Second commander into this commanders info. Which in turn tosses some wrenches into Credits/Assets and ships and such.

Yes, there is no check for that at this moment, as it require additional settings for the commander's in-game name and other related checks. So it is currently lying on responsibility of each commander.
27 Nov 2017, 7:25pm

Greybeard LXII published a logbook entry "Letter of Introduction" last night (Today GMT) and wonder it does not appear on the news page.
My previous post "That's not nice" published "Yesterday" does appear on the news page. Both are finished public.

I tried logging off to see if there was some difference because it was my post. It still did not appear. The only difference I noticed on the news page was my commander name was now present on my previous entry. Selecting the previous entry allowed me to read it and then select the new one from the latest entries on the right and read it.

Is there something I am not aware of in how the logbook entries on the news page are selected?

I actually asked about this not long ago via Discord.

There is a minimum character limit on the entries that make it there. Just to prevent simple "Hi there, stopped at Betelguese today, it's huge" posts filling up the section and knocking entries from more 'serious' (air quotes) writers off the page.

I believe the limit was something in the region of 1000 characters.

On a side note Artie, perhaps it might be worth putting a note on the appropriate screen to inform people of the limit? Or even a pop up if someone attempts to post something below the limit. Just a thought of course.

This "limit" is mentioned in the logbooks edit, but... well, nobody reads helps and remarks, so I should probably make it more prominent somehow.

The note is there.

Now I read the notes below the entry form a month and a half ago when I wrote my first entry. Did I forget or did I subconsciously merge it with the warnings about what not to post.

Maybe making that sentence a separate paragraph would emphasize it enough.
27 Nov 2017, 8:38pm

Another potential feature request:

Within the Minor Faction page, under Star System Presence, would it be possible to add a Security column to be filled by each system's current security status? To minimize spacing issues, maybe have the column abbreviated "SEC" and the entries could be H, M, and L for high, medium, and low. Extra credit for H in green, M in yellow, and L in red. ;-)

Thanks man!
27 Nov 2017, 10:34pm

He apparently used some script for that and spammed the site with it, but the lock was just temporal for a limited time.

This reminds me: if I use a script to perform some automation on, how long should it wait between consecutive HTTPS requests so as to avoid triggering the anti-mass-leeching protection?
28 Nov 2017, 1:17pm

Another potential feature request:

Within the Minor Faction page, under Star System Presence, would it be possible to add a Security column to be filled by each system's current security status? To minimize spacing issues, maybe have the column abbreviated "SEC" and the entries could be H, M, and L for high, medium, and low. Extra credit for H in green, M in yellow, and L in red. ;-)

Thanks man!

Yes, I can add something there, hopefully it will still fit.

Sampi Ogonek

He apparently used some script for that and spammed the site with it, but the lock was just temporal for a limited time.

This reminds me: if I use a script to perform some automation on, how long should it wait between consecutive HTTPS requests so as to avoid triggering the anti-mass-leeching protection?

It depends, generally sending hundreds of requests per second is a big NO. Sending a high amount of requests but consistently whole day is asking for perma-block. I have no problem with the site scraping, when made politely and on "request just when it is necessary" basis and when the source (Inara) is properly noted, but spamming the site constantly or in "bursts" is something I don't like, as it may affect the regular user experience. Also, if there is such need, it may be better to add something to the now existing API, because it is significantly less resource-hungry (for example, fetching basic commander's info via inAPI tooks usually just few milliseconds, scraping the same info from the regular commander's page takes ten times more).
28 Nov 2017, 3:10pm
Thanks Artie!
29 Nov 2017, 12:42pm
"Ignore / Block User" button please
29 Nov 2017, 8:19pm
My apologies for the temporal Inara inaccessibility. Although the site was still running, the issue on the provider's DNS servers caused that the site was inaccessible for most of you. This should be now solved, thank you for your patience.

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