Inara updates, bug reports, requests

Commanders having Elite from Epic games store with http 400 error
When you try to link your accounts, you may receive the http error 400 about expired tokens. It's an issue on Frontier's end that I cannot solve on Inara. Fortunately, the solution is simple - please give it a few days and it will start to work later (probably when the access token on their cAPI server expires). If the error 400 appeared later and it worked before, try to reauthenticate as said in the error message (may be just a regular reauth forced by Frontier). Alternatively, you can try to use the workaround below. If even that won't work, it's the problem described above.
Please vote for the issue on the official bug tracker:

Possible workaround: Try to connect the account while you are in the game. It may work.

Game data and imports not available for console commanders and PC players with Legacy game version
Inara supports only the Live game version (so PC Horizons 4.0 and Odyssey) since game update 14, thus all the game data on the site and the commander data imports work only for those game versions.
29 Mar 2023, 7:32am
Lots of critique as ususal after changes. We are all creature of habit, it seems.

So some warm words for the record:
I very much appreciate the effort of having some badges in the first place. I like the idea, they tickle my collector bone.
But I genuinely don't care much about the thresholds so just set them at whatever. It's virtual badges for a computer game after all.
I personally also like the design. If you want to add some more categories targeting niche aspects of the journal - fine, why not?. if you want to remove some - also fine.
Keep it up, your work is highly appreciated by the player base and this site makes the game much more approachable!
29 Mar 2023, 7:58am
Moran70It's just a game. And the medals exist only to mark the path that was passed in the game.
In other games, there are just achievements, without any gradation. I understand that for some people medals are an incentive to engage in certain activities,
Why is everyone so upset ?

If they are only badges on website, without any real benefits what's the point of lowering requirements to level "you can be top tier traveller because you jumped around bubble"? I think, that I could ask "why people were upset, when medals were difficult".
It isn't innovation.
It is change for change.
Also, who the **** will ignore activity, because achievment on WEBSITE require big effort?

I never understand this community...

Artie ...and yet, ~98% of commanders were still unable to get the tier 5 medals even after the adjustments. Try to get all medals to tier 5 and then we can talk about how easy it is.

But why he should gather all badges? Maybe 1 gameloop isn't his cup of tea? You know, Artie. I will repeat it multiple times, but not all people are completionists, which collect badges on website. Fact, that people havent all badges DOESNT mean, that they are difficult. Don't expect, that xeno hunter will now visit 10k systems, or mine 25k things from asteroids. This game offer various playstyles, so expecting, that people will gather badges from all possible activities is at least weird, and show completely lack of game understanding.
<travelling for next 40k light years, ignoring fact, that "he have to" mine 10k trit more for some weird medal>

Sorry, but I simply don't buy "but majority of people still havent it". Majority of people arent explorers. Exploration is niche activity, and I know it, even as mainly explorer. So what's now. Decreasing explorer badge to 500 systems and 500 bodies, because average johny not explore, and sit in 1 mini bubble of 10 systems?
CRUSHING majority of people DONT split their activity between all possible gameloops (example I never tried piracy, and I don't think, that I will, even after adding new, fancy pirate medal).

Previously at least they showed true dedication to some activity.

Last edit: 29 Mar 2023, 8:12am
29 Mar 2023, 12:20pm
Uiros Ueramos
You don't need to keep the old requirements, but the nerf that you have done has been way, way too massive across numerous categories. It just does not make sense to go from one extreme to the other.

...and yet, ~98% of commanders were still unable to get the tier 5 medals even after the adjustments. Try to get all medals to tier 5 and then we can talk about how easy it is.
98% of 220575 registered Inara CMDRs is 4,411 !!! Is that a small number ?

I am not trying to be a nuisance. I am really not.

The problem is the extent and the randomness of the rebalancing. IMHO, it was too radical in many categories just because.

And why are the tier 5 numbers not rounded up ? Why 7500 bounties and combat bonds for "The Hunter" and "The Soldier" ? Why not round it up to 10000 ? It seems strange.

And regarding myself achieving Tier 5 in any category. I am halfway through Tier 4 in "The Captain" and that is one of my least favorite activities in-game !! My score is that high because it was easier to achieve than most others. So, a slight rebalance of the others made sense, not of this one.
29 Mar 2023, 12:27pm
Artie ...and yet, ~98% of commanders were still unable to get the tier 5 medals even after the adjustments. Try to get all medals to tier 5 and then we can talk about how easy it is.

But why he should gather all badges? Maybe 1 gameloop isn't his cup of tea? You know, Artie. I will repeat it multiple times, but not all people are completionists, which collect badges on website. Fact, that people havent all badges DOESNT mean, that they are difficult. Don't expect, that xeno hunter will now visit 10k systems, or mine 25k things from asteroids. This game offer various playstyles, so expecting, that people will gather badges from all possible activities is at least weird, and show completely lack of game understanding.
<travelling for next 40k light years, ignoring fact, that "he have to" mine 10k trit more for some weird medal>

Sorry, but I simply don't buy "but majority of people still havent it". Majority of people arent explorers. Exploration is niche activity, and I know it, even as mainly explorer. So what's now. Decreasing explorer badge to 500 systems and 500 bodies, because average johny not explore, and sit in 1 mini bubble of 10 systems?
CRUSHING majority of people DONT split their activity between all possible gameloops (example I never tried piracy, and I don't think, that I will, even after adding new, fancy pirate medal).

Previously at least they showed true dedication to some activity.
Very well said. I agree entirely.

It seems that there is some "inclusion" need for the CMDRs who are not willing or don't even care to do certain activities. It is setting the bar to the lowest common denominator. What is "good" to make everyone a Tier 5 CMDR ? What sense does it make ?
29 Mar 2023, 12:50pm
Thanks everybody, I appreciate all the feedback even I was not directly responding to it.

It isn't innovation.
It is change for change.
Sorry, but I simply don't buy "but majority of people still havent it".

It's not a change for a change, it's a change to increase the engagement. That ~98% was a number for the individual medals, so obviously even focusing to a single activity still doesn't mean that many people will get to the tier 5 (and those truly dedicated now have an option to "over-level" their focused medal multiple times, which wasn't possible before). And if you want the numbers as a total, then ~93% of commanders don't have a single tier 5 medal of any kind. So even getting a single tier 5 medal is still an achievement. Let's not pretend this change is giving tier 5 medals to everybody for free or such thing, because it's not. At all.

Uiros Ueramos
98% of 220575 registered Inara CMDRs is 4,411 !!! Is that a small number ?

I am not trying to be a nuisance. I am really not.

The problem is the extent and the randomness of the rebalancing. IMHO, it was too radical in many categories just because.

And why are the tier 5 numbers not rounded up ? Why 7500 bounties and combat bonds for "The Hunter" and "The Soldier" ? Why not round it up to 10000 ? It seems strange.

And regarding myself achieving Tier 5 in any category. I am halfway through Tier 4 in "The Captain" and that is one of my least favorite activities in-game !! My score is that high because it was easier to achieve than most others. So, a slight rebalance of the others made sense, not of this one.

Just to clarification on the numbers mentioned - those listed in rankings (220k) aren't all Inara commanders registered (there is 400k+ of commanders), but only those that decided to participate on the rankings (and have their data present). There is a number of commanders that are not in the rankings but still have their data imported (so they were used for getting the stats). So in reality, there is more T5 medal holders than 4k. And yes, it's still a small number. It's like saying that having over 220 millions of star systems explored in the game is a huge number. Well, it is but only until you compare it to the size of the galaxy, then it's negligible.

The medals are primarily balanced for time required to get them while having some "nice" numbers for the requirements. So, for example, it's 7500 instead of 10000 because it will mean that you will need 33% more time to get that. Should I avoid numbers like 250 and increase that to 1000 in the requirements just because it is a "nicer" number? I don't think so.

Last edit: 29 Mar 2023, 1:03pm
29 Mar 2023, 3:38pm
Does anyone knows what can cause this meshe/map twist?

Moons where settlements are based twist themselves and the bases vanishes when you approach them, it is impossible to dock on one...

29 Mar 2023, 4:06pm
Artie - Thanks for the reset info. I've completed the reset and seeing some remaining data from the previous CMDR in the Samaritan Achievement. More here:
29 Mar 2023, 5:18pm
Uiros Ueramos
98% of 220575 registered Inara CMDRs is 4,411 !!! Is that a small number ?

I am not trying to be a nuisance. I am really not.

The problem is the extent and the randomness of the rebalancing. IMHO, it was too radical in many categories just because.

And why are the tier 5 numbers not rounded up ? Why 7500 bounties and combat bonds for "The Hunter" and "The Soldier" ? Why not round it up to 10000 ? It seems strange.

And regarding myself achieving Tier 5 in any category. I am halfway through Tier 4 in "The Captain" and that is one of my least favorite activities in-game !! My score is that high because it was easier to achieve than most others. So, a slight rebalance of the others made sense, not of this one.

Just to clarification on the numbers mentioned - those listed in rankings (220k) aren't all Inara commanders registered (there is 400k+ of commanders), but only those that decided to participate on the rankings (and have their data present). There is a number of commanders that are not in the rankings but still have their data imported (so they were used for getting the stats). So in reality, there is more T5 medal holders than 4k. And yes, it's still a small number. It's like saying that having over 220 millions of star systems explored in the game is a huge number. Well, it is but only until you compare it to the size of the galaxy, then it's negligible.

The medals are primarily balanced for time required to get them while having some "nice" numbers for the requirements. So, for example, it's 7500 instead of 10000 because it will mean that you will need 33% more time to get that. Should I avoid numbers like 250 and increase that to 1000 in the requirements just because it is a "nicer" number? I don't think so.
So explain to me one thing. Why were the previous requirements "so high" and why are they now "so low" ? Do you not see a lack of consistency in this matter ?
29 Mar 2023, 6:30pm
Uiros Ueramos
So explain to me one thing. Why were the previous requirements "so high" and why are they now "so low" ? Do you not see a lack of consistency in this matter ?

Didn't artie explain this about 2 or 3 pages back, im paraphrasing but it was something along the lines of
if 85% of the player/users base on inara aren't getting anywhere near even T3 levels, then the balance is wrong.

So it's been rebalanced. Makes sense to me, tho, i never bothered chasing the badges personally. So that's a very much subjective opinion.
That New Hero badge however, im not sure how to feel about that one. i think the requirement is quite steep, but then again, it should satisfy all the folks who were already T5 in many things and feeling great about themselves. That's a though badge to get so it should please the hardcore badge hunters. I assume.
29 Mar 2023, 6:35pm
ArtieSo in reality, there is more T5 medal holders than 4k. And yes, it's still a small number. It's like saying that having over 220 millions of star systems explored in the game is a huge number. Well, it is but only until you compare it to the size of the galaxy, then it's negligible.

Technically it is huge number, and small % at one moment. It can sounds weird, but it is possible, and I think, that systems number is good example.
If you think, that it isn't big number try to discover at least 10000 systems

Didn't artie explain this about 2 or 3 pages back, im paraphrasing but it was something along the lines of
if 85% of the player/users base on inara aren't getting anywhere near even T3 levels, then the balance is wrong.

So...maybe maybe maybe
Maybe it's mean, that lower tiers were balanced by incorrect way?

This is his website, but fact, that people had issues with "difficult" achievments ON WEBSITE is so pathethic XD
I can understand issues with game ranks, credits, engineers, mats, but website ranks are completely new level. What can I say, just elite community.

Last edit: 29 Mar 2023, 6:40pm
29 Mar 2023, 7:11pm
So...maybe maybe maybe
Maybe it's mean, that lower tiers were balanced by incorrect way?

This is his website, but fact, that people had issues with "difficult" achievments ON WEBSITE is so pathethic XD
I can understand issues with game ranks, credits, engineers, mats, but website ranks are completely new level. What can I say, just elite community.

I think he's looked at the stats and used them to surmise that the balance is a tad off and hes rebalanced it. I dont see an issue at all.
And he's added in that new hero badge to please the hard core badge hunters. Which seems to be a good idea in general. Honestly, as you said i worry more about the game rather than the site.
im a supported of the site due to how essential it is, and i think that's just about the only Badge i really care about having. the rest are just gauge of progress i suppose. But thats just me. Cos they are nice and pretty and mean nothing to me personally.

The ED community is all pretty decent from my perspective.
I mean, I also Own StarCitizen.... that's got some absolute zealot nutters and by some i mean MOST of them.
29 Mar 2023, 7:26pm
Uiros Ueramos
So explain to me one thing. Why were the previous requirements "so high" and why are they now "so low" ? Do you not see a lack of consistency in this matter ?

As DingBatDave said.

This is his website, but fact, that people had issues with "difficult" achievments ON WEBSITE is so pathethic XD
I can understand issues with game ranks, credits, engineers, mats, but website ranks are completely new level. What can I say, just elite community.

And yet... people also complain when it's not difficult. Over some website achievements. Imagine that!
29 Mar 2023, 7:33pm
So explain to me one thing. Why were the previous requirements "so high" and why are they now "so low" ? Do you not see a lack of consistency in this matter ?

As DingBatDave said.

Hello there Artie. appreciate al the work.
I have an off topic question, apologies if it should be asked elsewhere, i don't do much chatting in the forums.

Im getting html tags all over the place on the site, even on the submit button of this post is this -
<ins title=general.action_submit>Submit</ins>

Any ideas, and apologies if its been asked and answered already.
29 Mar 2023, 7:35pm
Uiros UeramosSo explain to me one thing. Why were the previous requirements "so high" and why are they now "so low" ? Do you not see a lack of consistency in this matter ?

As DingBatDave said.
This is his website, but fact, that people had issues with "difficult" achievments ON WEBSITE is so pathethic XD
It is and that is why Artie has changed it now. He caved in to those people...

Heilrider I can understand issues with game ranks, credits, engineers, mats, but website ranks are completely new level. What can I say, just elite community.
Yes, it is. It is nitpicking. But the very concept of website rankings is already a silly nitpicking notion. And if Artie bothered to implement the ranks, shouldn't they be logical in its progression ?

ArtieAnd yet... people also complain when it's not difficult. Over some website achievements. Imagine that!
Yes, indeed. And once again, why bother to implement the ranks, if they do not have a logical progression ?
29 Mar 2023, 7:43pm
Hello there Artie. appreciate al the work.
I have an off topic question, apologies if it should be asked elsewhere, i don't do much chatting in the forums.

Im getting html tags all over the place on the site, even on the submit button of this post is this -
<ins title=general.action_submit>Submit</ins>

Any ideas, and apologies if its been asked and answered already.

It seems you may have enabled the site localization debug by accident. Please click your preferred site language at the page footer, that should fix that.

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